
The first thing to die will (and should) be peewee and/or Pop Warner football.

Tipped workers should form unions and demand fair wages.

Excel is really impressive if you know how to use it right...

Yeah. My first thought is “since when does the word of rape suspects get precedence”? And then I remembered......................all of the time (unfortunately).

Typical. “Well, she consented to have sex with THAT guy, so we thought....”

In Europe, thousands of women were assaulted by immigrant and asylum seeking gangs of men many who claim to be Syrian refugees on New Years Eve. The authorities now admit this was a coordinated attack against European women. Does this hearten you?

Does the guy realize the US caused all this?

And what kind of immigration do you want. The Canadian kind, that allows for strict security controls, women, children and families only, or the German kind that allows millions of single men with no ID, no checks on who they are or where there from, and has lead to thousands of women being sexually assaulted across

“Wow, what is in that cup?” Anderson asked quietly.

That poor child always looks so miserable.

The Kardashians must be the shallowest people on the face of the earth. They photo shopped North’s nose, I guess I should be giving them credit for not giving the little girls kleavage

Figures The three words lumped together: Walmart, Meth and Florida.

You say this as though the majority of Nicki’s fans even know where Angola is or care about their dictatorship.

Considering how much work she's had done, only about 60% of her is still human. And I think that's being generous.

Abortion after 20 weeks is severely restricted in most US states.

Ah, but 99.99999% of white guys have never been king of anything. They’re just a hair above all the brown people and women in their lives. The real kings are the wealthy people who laugh at all the stupid shit they can get those white males to agree to while thinking they’re king.

but it’s not the upper class white guys raging and hooting and hollering for trump. most of his male supporters barely finished high school — they are the underclass, the misguided people in “what’s wrong with kansas?” in a sense, these guys have a right to feel disenfranchised and that the american dream is passing

If middle class white males ever figured out that they need to rage against the machine - and not against people who are worse off than they are - the elites would be in deep shit.