
Actually, it’s fundamentalists and evangelicals who are growing, because they have all the babies and attract confused people seeking meaning in their lives. It’s the liberal Christians who are dying out. We have small families and don’t believe in harassing strangers with evangelical bullshit.

“If we didn’t win, why do you deserve to get paid? If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

“ If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

This is a very problematic topic. For example, if you have two people who both agree that they will marry but will be comfortable with some straying within some specific parameters, then hey! Go for it! I do believe that traditional marriage isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all thing.

They don’t need to, which makes this whole thing they’re doing even classier.

Is there a reason to believe them based solely on their account? I’m unfamiliar with the whole wine train setting but a bunch of old people who get pissed off at others for laughing and complain seems pretty valid to my imagined view of these trains.

And I’m here to say, “fuck you for assuming that the people are the train are so racist that they threw a group of black people off the train for no reason whatsoever.”

I actually really hate all the comments to the effect of ‘he’s just a clueless douche’ or ‘I guess he was just some bro all along’. Are we really so singular in our thinking? Are we really so unable to reconcile conflicting feelings about a person to the point that we need to simply write them off entirely when they

I think Kim Kardashian is probably a clueless douche. Ryan Seacrest has always sort of rung the clueless douche bell for me, for example.

This is an unbelievably well written piece about an unbelievable piece of shit. Kudos to you, Dave, and kudos to Ms. Koba.

Google “Anthony Weiner”.

Hopefully a comedian will mention this during his act in about 20 years so people will pay attention.

The praying together is a nice touch. What a mind fuck! Preying then praying.

I can’t tell who I find more disgusting in all of this, Johnson, or the slime that protect him.

Maybe it’s because I’m getting older or gaining more confidence, I’ve started to become more assertive with people. Recently, I’ve had to confront my boss about an issue that I might let slide. It turned out well and I think it helped our relationship.

Because he is a Muslim from Kenya. Everyone knows they are fluent in Spanish!

That’s my mother’s biggest regret. She wishes that she was a bit more tactful. I'm the opposite. I needed to tell more people to fuck off.

Story of my life. I can’t hide my distaste for people and situations. I may not say “Fuck off,” but people know I want to say it.

Oh, Helen. You can’t live your life with regrets. Get out there and make up for lost time! I smell an awesome road trip documentary in which Helen Mirren and some friends go tell everyone who ever wronged them to fuck off. I would love to be involved in this endeavor somehow.

Lindsay Lohan got trapped in an elevator