
Exactly. This mo fo deliberately ate that candy before killing his wife in an effort to make a more believable Twinkie Defense. Premeditation all. the. way.

With that life insurance payout? Hell yeah.

You seeing shades of premeditation in this picture too?

We are going to hear about this case throughout 2016, as an explanation for why we keep filling our prisons with cannabis users. There were very few violent crimes related to marijuana for the last few decades; however, now that the big-government variety of right-wingers have a single anecdote to use, it’ll be their

If you are already psychotic or are genetically predisposed, marijuana will exacerbate the fuck out of that, sure, but it doesn’t cause psychosis. If that were the case, there’d be a lot more psychotic people running around, myself included.

Country clerk is an elected office in KY. She can only be impeached or voted out.

Further proving this was never about her religious beliefs if she is altering forms that other people have signed. She hates gay people, period.

Those schools don’t take public money.

There are countless documented cases of charters being open one day and being closed the next day, the money is gone and the owners have moved on. It’s scammy to the nth degree.

Charters are also able to operate and show good scores by removing problematic students or students

nope, whats funny is conservatives always feeling butt hurt and looking for some equivalence where there is none

Even funnier: how you clearly haven’t read most of these comments.

It’s crazy how you become nostalgic for a time when municipal corruption seemed to serve middle class union interests.

Except they don’t “sell the school off to a private company”, they give it to them. Then, when the school inevitably fails, a large and valuable piece of land ends up in the hands of the investors behind the charter school plan. It’s not a hell of a lot different than the plan to bankrupt the US post office, and it’s

Nope, that’s one of the big selling points for charter schools, that they don’t have to deal with The Evil Unions. (And many of them are ostensibly public, but that’s a lie through and through.)

God, what a surprise that one of the biggest advocates of the charter school scam is such a terrible scumbag in other ways as well. Jesus, there are few things in politics these days that make me more enraged than the going along with running the public school system into the ground, claiming “see, they don’t work!”

People really need to stop medicating themselves with booze and Ambien before flying.

Anyone who acts up ever (and must be escorted off a plane, cause an emergency landing etc) should be banned from flying for at least a year. Period.

Don’t forget all the civilians in Afghanistan or the civilians in Pakistan or the innocent people in Yemen and so on.

Right?! Like...I’m at work, guys. Let’s try to keep that in mind.

Right?! How am I supposed to pretend to be researching when anyone can read it from 50 feet away?