
I’m an active duty Soldier (so people can feel free not to @ me). I say eliminate the damn thing. It doesn’t make any sense to play it anyway, and it always just makes me wonder if the Packers and Steelers forget what country they are in and have to be reminded at the start of every game.

Occam’s Razor: what Browns fans use to cut themselves.

Maybe we’re reading too much into this, and the simple answer is the correct answer: the Browns don’t know what the fuck they’re doing and this is further evidence of it.

I Bet You They Won’t Play This Song On The Radio

Exactly and they weren’t saying boo, they were saying Boo-urns

Lighten up Francis

So if people feel that it has a medical benefit, the medical advisers have to tell you that. We have joint advisers...

Man, he got burnt like the Cuyahoga river...

But would he win against a blancmange?