


Is that the worst corner attempt I’ve seen at Turf Moor since I started watched games regularly in 1987 ?

And it never loses its power to stun, either. No matter how many times you see it, it’s an instant “WTF?”

This just in; sports fans can be utter cockwombles.

Michael Keane is not on a terrible team.

Methinks he doth protest too much...

“This season is just me sitting on my ass for 17 weeks. It costs $16million.”

The fine details of the goals aside, that’s pretty much exactly how the game panned out at the Turf earlier this season.

Liverpool fans can quit worrying - Burnley visit Anfield next week, and with our away record Liverpool will probably have the game sewn up by half-time.

It’s a pointless PR stunt. If the Big XII really wanted to prove that they actually care, they would just keep Baylor’s money. Baylor will get it once some “investigator” shows that they’ve “made changes” - whatever that means, and the Big XII will be able to claim that they care while still giving Baylor their blood

Of all the *ahem* “personalities” you could choose from Britain to front your TV shows, you follow Piers Morgan with Nigel Farage.

No-one is Browns-level deep. Balrogs don’t even get Browns-level deep.

It’s not even that interesting.

North Haverbrook has one they can borrow.

That haircut could destroy even the Pope’s faith in the existence of a benevolent God.

So the new OC has a name that could be pronounced “low gains” ?

I voted Ballghazi.

Will Grigg’s on fire,

Well Schteve, if you wanted everyone to forget the brolly - mission accomplished...