
Legalize meth????! Or pot? Choose wisely, young Padawan...

Freddie goddam Mercury. Rest his merry soul. Can't wait until Sacha Baron Cohen's "Mercury" comes out.

"A retina screen is pointless for a device you hold a foot from your face."

It's funny though - the $129 you'll "save" in getting the WiFi only iPad 3 will be eaten up in a mere 12-13 months (or less) by having to buy a tethering plan for your LTE iPhone (that will be capped at 2 GB a month, BTW)...

LMAO @ "Verizon: it's an old person's nightmare"!!!

I have the same 4S, and while it's a massive improvement over all iPhones before it (that had NONE), it's still pretty weak compared to my 10 year old camcorder.

Grabs popcorn and pulls up a seat...

Holy bajeebus - I've lived not even 30 minutes from Clinton Township for the better part of 4 decades and never heard of this! Thanks for the link.

I've always been a fan of the phrase "the great oxygenation event". It just seems to sound... important.

LMAO!!!! This was hilarious.... like what kind of video was he shooting? There's no image stabilization in that rig (and don't tell me the iPhone 4S has image stabilization because it sucks ass IRL)... Still, that LED light panel is pretty kewl...


OK so... yeah - actually that *IS HOW IT WORKS*. It's all about economies of scale - it doesn't matter that the panels haven't been built yet (at the point of negotiation). If the technology exists (it does, BTW), then it just takes the right carrot on the stick to encourage its manufacture.

Why thank you! (what an unelaborate retort)!

LMAO!!!!! You sir, win the Internetz!!!

Now playing

"In the above video, these poor women are utterly wracked with Space Fever, such that they ambulate in a manner most goddamn hilarious."

Ahhhh Yvette Mimieux... I wish I could cultivate a herd of her.

Jesus Christ in a handbasket - that video is messed up!!!! That said, please explain: "I feel bad for this kitty and really hate the use of animals for testing, especially for warfare."

Awwwwww boohoo.... MY FRIENDS DONE TOLD ON ME!

No, Americans never thought that. We just know that our propaganda is so much cooler. It's propaganda with an "F"! An "F" for FUN!

"I still don't see how 2048 x 1536 is going to be feasible at their current price points."