
Because science. It just freaking rocks.

And then there's the whole make believe fantasy part, but yeah - what you said too!

No. That's because time machines and travelling backwards in time is science fiction fantasy.

I use Siri almost daily. When I auto-start my car in the morning, I have Siri set the timer so I'm alerted to when it shuts off. I also use Siri for reminders pretty frequently.

I'm not sure if you own an iPad currently, but I do. I just recreated that photo in a room with the lights out. With the brightness cranked to full, my thumb - even while resting on the bezel - was lit up almost the same just from the light spilling out of that display.

I'm surprised no one else has mentioned the size of the model's finger compared to the Cal app. It makes the icon look downright HUGE.

Exactly *WHERE* do I put my two fingers to.. uh.. "activate".. this Siri? ;^p

It's just the light from the screen lighting up the underside of the model's thumb. Most people don't rest their hand on the bezel to tap a dock icon; it's hard to tell from the photo but their thumb is likely slightly above the bezel just enough for the light to hit it from the screen.

The difference between the screen on the old iPhone 3GS (and all versions prior) and the Retina display on the iPhone 4 (and currently everything after) is simply astounding. If we get the same increase in visual clarity on the iPad 3, it will look incredible. Especially for those who tend to do a lot of reading on

It's just the light from the screen lighting up the underside of the model's thumb. Most people don't rest their hand on the bezel to tap a dock icon; it's hard to tell from the photo but their thumb is likely slightly above the bezel just enough for the light to hit it from the screen.

Now playing

Ha! Would you look at that little rella, but I raise you one Hodgy, Domo Genesis And Tyler, The Creator!

Gods bless you sir, for this wonderful gift of Number Six!

Disagree. A death sentence removes the burden from the taxpayer at time of execution. A lobotomy would require the well care of the condemned until their natural death on the taxpayer's dime.

Because SCIENCE!!!!! Man, I love this stuff.

Agreed. Frankly, much of the artistic license that has been taken with the TV show just works better IMHO. All that said, I am glad they are doing the Woodbury story line. This could proof epic.

LOL.. well, truth be told - there's already a lot of things that have deviated from the comic so far so I wouldn't be surprised.. (case in point - who was it that Carl shot dead before they even reached Hershel's??? Hmmmmm....)

Ha!!! OK, that was pretty funny. Missed that.. heh..

^ Godwins Law!!!!

I think one of the points in this article was to demonstrate that prior to the HMS Challenger going out and doing actual scientific research, everyone assumed that the ocean depths were lifeless.

Heh - the one thing I remember about "The Living Daylights" was Maryam d'Abo. Well, her and the theme song done by Aha... LOL!