
Meh.. I used to love early/mid 80's REM, but that track? Not so much. And the video even less - doesn't hold candle to Knights of Cydonia...

Thanks very much for this; brilliant work!

Heh - funny. Yeah but his shtick was about landlines right before, so it's unlikely. Your average person doesn't walk around with a satellite phone in their pocket, even today. Too pricey.

It alerts the communal service agency??!! Commies!!! I KNEW IT!!!! ;^p

Meh... I'll take these over any of those any day of the week.

@ noghiri: "People have this strange ability to ignore what's right in their face"

Ahhhhh kids.. you guys are so cute. Brent Rose fails to realize that this sort of thing was going on 30 years ago (see: Newcleus "Jam On It"). Their whole stick was aliens, wrapping, space battles, etc. The entire album was a concept album just like Deltron. "Push the Button" was an awesome track, too.

True, but if you watch the video clip with CK, he wasn't eluding to using a GPS unit or GPS on a phone... he was eluding to typical cellphone data use. Or not. Who knows? ;^)

That's besides the point. It's been a well known fact that none of these devices have ever come with expandable memory. There's no reason to assume otherwise. I'm not happy about it either, mind you - I would love expandable memory on these. It'll never happen though.

While I can appreciates CK's rant (I've watched this many times), cell phone signals don't go up to "space". They're all terrestrial based between ground-based cell towers. No more amazing than an AM radio station... which tends to travel further than cell phone signals ironically!

Meh, I've got my original iPad gen 1 and the new iPad as well. The difference is like night and day between the two. My old iPad gen 1 can't handle more than a couple of tabs or three open in Safari without having to reload the whole damn page, and it feels downright SLOOOOOW when running any apps compared to the

If you were waiting for an expandable memory slot on an iOS device, you're more out of touch that you originally thought... (see: iPod Touch, iPhone).. ;^)

Content is still pretty lacking, I'm afraid. Though - I did get caught up with the entire (new) Doctor Who series. And that's not exactly quality production, IMHO.

Robert Wadlow would disagree.

Wait... like.... Star Wars George Lucas?

NO, it's a common side effect of taking aspirin for everyone. It can cause a bit of gastrointestinal bleeding, especially if taken without food or anything else in your stomach. The symptoms are usually mild, but taking it for years at a time could cause constant irritation. Vomiting blood or blood in feces is not

Name-calling really necessary dude? Maybe he didn't want to wait in line on friggin' opening day??

LMAO!!!! Wow... got promoted, starred... and warned and thread moved - ALL IN THE SAME THREAD! Well done!

This right here. Brilliant, sir!

Disagree. It sounds (actually reads) like an unedited and honest first impression by seasoned tech users. I think many will benefit from their discussion. That said, I'm reading it on my new iPad I just got today and wouldn't trade it for the world. It's noticeably faster than the first gen and looks easily better