
Yes, but the difference between you and the producer in the featured video is that his is much better. Much, much, better...

iPhone 4S dual-core and 7x the graphics performance and better camaera and all around just faster in general, uhmm still very much better than the old iPhone 4 :D

True. Either way, I'm hoping CEO Mary Dillon's decision has full support of her Board of Directors and/or shareholders (if there are any), else she can start looking for a new job real soon.


Yes, I think he's holding something... It's magic.

Le corrected, stand moi. Though, the way I read it is that senescent cells that have retired and stopped dividing is what prevents tumors. If that's true, turning that back on could result in... tumors, no?

Ha! This is very true.

Le corrected, stand moi.

Le corrected, stand moi.

Well no kidding Mr. Coctostan - that's what I've been saying the whole time! Or did you mean to reply to someone else..?

Yes we have, and she'd look hotter with blue eyes.

Uhh.. did you even read the article? This will have ZERO benefits to the human race in terms of health issues - it will simply allow one to *LOOK* younger. You'll still expire just as quick as the rest of the geezers that can't afford the treatment. Just say'n...

Well shit, I hold my cellphone out like that all of time!

He's not pointing - he's holding a sensor up. For all we know, he might not have realized that he was actually pointing right at the surveillance cam. Or maybe he did. Either way, there's nothing strange about his behavior.

He's taking an air quality reading and testing for radioactivity. It's actually quite impressive how long he was able to stand still and hold the sensor up.

Now playing

You know what? That's probably one of the most positive things I've read here in a long time. So many people here go on and on about hating the government or this particular thing or that, it's actually kind of nice to see a positive such as this. I am actually in total agreement with you - despite the crap that

Ah, I see. You're one of those people who enjoy listening to their own voice just for the sake of arguing. No worries - I get that. Enjoy!

It's not an issue, you being touched in your naughty parts, by absolute strangers?

Read text messages? Kinda' like.. she already does? Maybe your Siri just doesn't like you all that much.

k... aaaaaaaand your point is..?