
Exactly. +10.

Exactly. +10.

Plug it into your TV!

Cute. I think I have you figured: you like to hear the sound of your own voice. No worries. I get that. You write very eloquently and should be commended! Well done.

"I am not confusing anything for superstition. You are, however, confusing ad hominem for rational argument."

"There are a lot of homeopaths that consume colodial silver as an antibiotic." Well aware of that, sir, and I'd say that news clip you linked to is a clear indication that ingesting silver isn't exactly what I would consider "edible". ;^)

@ Dallas May: "That's makes it theology, not science." No, it does not - and please do not fall into the trap of just defaulting to religion to explain things just because science hasn't gotten there yet. You are confusing a lack of knowledge with superstition.

@ Dallas May: Gravity gets its energy from the curvature of time-space...

@ Gix: actually, very really. Chemosynthesis cannot occur on earth without (surprise) the sun, allowing the conditions to be perfect for it to happen. Try again! ;^)

@ Dallas May & MooseOfDoom23: Gravity gets its energy from the curvature of time-space...

The military does not, however, make a silver-laced smoothie to have with your breakfast. Ingesting silver and wearing it are two different things.

"I should have, so that's on me"...

@ ODOMZIG: "adds", eh? :-/

@ pjc.mashtun: "It was a default setting I didn't discover until..." ...until you realized that you had turned it on? It's off by default. How's that for polarized opinion? ;^p

@ IceMetalPunk: seeing as how gold is a... METAL... the answer is a resounding "NO".. That said, consuming gold in the form of flakes or other forms has long fascinated humans for centuries. It''s an expensive snake oil, though!

LMAO!!! +10!

Meh.. between this and John Peterson's "The Littles" written 15 yeas later, I don't think even Studio Ghibli can make me interested to see this, especially since Hayao Miyazaki isn't directing anyway. This is Yonebayashi's directorial debut though, so we'll see. Maybe it'll be fantastic.

"The Littles" were ripped - I mean - were written by an American author 15 years after "The Borrowers".

@ initZero: I was with you on everything you said until you started typing...

@ curiouscomputer: if by "mumbler" you mean "tripping balls drunk", then yes - he was most certainly a mumbler.