
I dunno which of your analogies sucks worse.

The plank of wood against which the white boy was firing the arrows was brown. Now, if it had been white that would have ben a whole other story. And why were the tips of the arrow blackened and the feathers taken from a black wild turkey? Does the video have a racist agenda??? Food for thought. And don’t let me start

They seem to provide good performance and customer service only in markets where they have competition. In areas where they have protected monopolies, they are absolute shit. They are the shit that shit shits out when it feels shitty.

That’s just not accurate. Obama won the popular vote by 5 million voters:

This idea stinks.

The lack of evidence is the BEST evidence!

yeah.... pretty sure Ronald actually owns Chipotle. Do a little research.

It’s so much more fun to imagine conspiracy theories!

More likely

since McD’s was a major investor for years in Chipotle, I doubt it would be them.

For instance, many English speakers are familiar with the German word “schadenfreude” - pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.

Our system is so rigged and so broken right now the last thing you could ever want in a million years is a Constitutional Convention.

It is the unofficial mantra of young boorish white men and women, though. They just say it many other coded ways, and then pretend they didn’t.