
I am far more impressed that you don't have to hide your cables Totilo. I guess my Sphynxes need some training.

@JMonkeYJ: Yes, the awesome music.

@Lactose_The_Intolerant: I used to think the same thing, but the Optimus-S on Sprint has some pretty decent ratings so far.

Best article title ever. :-)

@brahmachari99: I guess that show's my ignorance/youth. I thought it was a reference from The Office.

Welp, I guess I'll be calling out sick on Nov. 24th Hooray!

@Almightywhacko: Agreed. The Moment, Intercept, and Transform are all pretty suspect in my opinion. They are also from Samsung, which substantiate your claim. We get plenty of returns and complaints about all of them.

@Dobermandiesels: Even though I have the feeling it's the same thing, I really think Sprint has enough Android sliders already.

The EVO did launch this past June. In cellphone years that was forever ago. My prediction is an EVO 4G successor with a slide-out qwerty, possibly with a 3.7" screen this time.

3 Weeks of standby?! Holy milliamps batman.

@infi: It's glaross.

@Arfdog: Ha! I was thinking the same thing. I guess this falls into the "because I can" category.

@Nigra: I 2nd this motion. Maybe I have ADD.

@DH: This.

@mconheady: You shower after setting food in Walmart? I normally just take a leisurely stroll through the parking lot afterward.

@The MSJ: *naively googles rule 63*