For the idiots on other threads: if this thing takes Biden down as well, hey, cool! People caught doing shady and/or illegal shit get what they get.
For the idiots on other threads: if this thing takes Biden down as well, hey, cool! People caught doing shady and/or illegal shit get what they get.
Upvote for the lotto ticket comparison, but considering the force has a light side and a dark side, if you revealed that you had the Force with you, surely you’d inevitably turn to the dark side simply because so many people were asking you to do stupid shit for them all the time.
I’m fully enjoying this because I’ve had so little to enjoy that my joy barometer is broken and this is what happiness and hope feels like now.
was once listening to a radio sprots talking head. he talked about the time he went down to Alabama to cover a game down there. He mentioned he was talking to some guy who asked what school he went to which was the Univ of Maryland. The guy told him “oh you went to one of those academic schools”
I have the distinction of saying yes and there always seemed to be one drunk dude wherever I went that wanted to test out his manhood on me while I was just trying to get away from the grind to get something to eat. Even when my parents came into town to watch a game - I fucked up on national tv and people were…
Back in my day it was, “Do you live in [athletic dorm]?” to which I deadass looked at ol girl (yep, it was a white girl) and asked, “What makes you think I live in [athletic dorm]?”
I was probably asked this multiple times and (not realizing what was really being asked) responded, “a fuck ton of FIFA.”
“Ohhh, that’s a big question. Uh... Ernest Stanley in The Man Who Came to Dinner, Sonny Latierri in Grease, Leonato in Much Ado About Nothing... you want everything?”
“With my balls, while I was earning a degree.”
“Pokemon, mostly. Never had a complete Pokedex, but who can really convince their parents to go the store to download Mew?”
I mean, the clear answer if you have the force is “take up golfing” because it couldn’t be that hard to make it look like it’s legitimate.
Same with other superpowers. I want superpowers I can keep on the low so that I can use them to benefit myself and the people I care to, without making it obvious I’m unusual and attracting unnecessary attention for it.
Pun intended?
The only Chett I’ve even heard of was the one from Weird Science, who gets turned into a sentient pile of feces.
Amen. My wife does not get along with her mother. Partly because my MIL is a passive aggressive narcissist and is nearly incapable of empathy. My wife, her middle daughter, absolutely hated feeling like shit for the first twenty years of her life. I think the MIL avoids me because she suspects that I think she’s an…
“It’s the greatest Kinja update ever. It’s the best. Tremendous. No one has ever seen a Kinja update like this. Of course, Obama never had as a good of a Kinja update.”
My dad lives around the corner, and he is always over, and while he annoys me sometimes, I am used to it and can deal with it. My wife however turns everything into a huge deal, and I am supposed to yell at my dad or she gets mad at me.
Yea, love my in-laws but my own mother is bipolar and very tough to take for more than a day at a time. We were fortunate to get jobs in Asia about five years ago, so now we see her only on our terms as she can’t fly long distances due to her health. We also see best friends and close family for concentrated periods…