Me too Dave. I still remember my partner, Corporal Story. He was great and we ran the barracks til he went AWOL. Good times.
Me too Dave. I still remember my partner, Corporal Story. He was great and we ran the barracks til he went AWOL. Good times.
Same. I played so much goddamned Spades in the Navy. Navy Spades, because the enlisted ranks are often minority-majority, is a weird hybrid of Black and White Spades. We usually played Ace High because people were always losing the jokers or playing with decks where someone who’d used them for other games had thrown…
I found a great spades partner. With other partners, we were OK, but together, we could practically read each other’s mind.
White dude here, and same. I learned from my black friends in the military, who had also proclaimed that spades is a game played in prisons and the military. I didn’t know so didn’t argue. 95% of the rules here applied to the game I played. Though to be perfectly honest, I prefer the Ace-high game. I don’t need all…
Now I gotta wait until tomorrow to know if I’ve been playing it right.
Great Aunt squeak is a good name.
Fellow mayo-sapien here with southern relatives. My experience is kinda backwards as my nicknamed relatives are all known within the family as (for example), “Uncle Realname” while their close friends who they’ve known for decades call them something else. So if I refer to “Uncle Realname,” they have no idea who I’m…
Because he was a leftist and commercial media, such as movies, has no incentive to lionize someone who supports class ideology.
There's one being made by Ryan Coogler, with Lakeith Stanfield as Hampton.
Unfortunately you are correct Dave. With Mr. Abdul-Jabbars’ short video on luminaries of the American revolution-hopefully an expansive book is in the works-offerings of the like should have existed as of at the latest the 90's. To be sure we have the material the Research/Production Values that will properly…
Because he was, and still is, that dangerous to white supremacist America.
Turnabout is fair play
Jesus Christ. He should have made her watch Black Snake Moan.
Right? I was all ready to extend an invite, too.
White Evangelical Christians have always been about controlling bodies that don’t belong to them. Just sit with that a minute before trying to change my mind.
Fred Flinstone best get back to licking Nectarine Noriega’s ass before he gets too in his feelings over being laughed at.
I do not like Pernod.
That Richard Nixon “I like Dick” tattoo is gonna come in handy.