
That’s too far. You need to live far enough away that they have to call before coming, but close enough that they don’t spend the night.

My relationship with the fam took a turn for the better once I moved to nearly the exact opposite of the planet from them. Good luck getting on that 27 hour plane ride Nana!

I get along great with my family, because we all live in entirely different places. My brother, my mother, my father and I all live in 4 different countries, with only my brother and my father on the same continent.

The position I get put in is my wife has a good relationship with her parents and that has lead her to believe the two of us and our kid can have a similar one with my mother. My response is always the same:

This sounds like nirvana! I’ve recently had to move my elderly father into my home and my sanity is hanging by a thread.

Like clockwork, about six weeks after a visit with her family my wife starts talking about moving closer to her parents. Doubly so whenever the kid gets sick and we have a shitty weekend. Then, just 18 hours after we arrive at their place and she commits us to staying at their place for six consecutive nights she’s

Fuck and yes....nearly a continent away with family that is either too scared or too broke to fly out. None of the drama, petty grudges or chisme...if it weren’t for Facebook I wouldn’t hear from any other them, conversely if it weren’t for them I wouldn’t be on Facebook, so make of that what yoh will. 

When I turned 18, I moved an hour away from my insane family. 12 years later, I still live an hour away. While I would prefer to live several hundred miles away, I quickly learned that my family views me living in a large city is the same as living in another country and literally never visit me. So seeing them is

Like every American man born between say, 1935 and 1950, my dad’s pinnacle was having a Town Car/Crown Victoria/Grand Marquis. He got one right about the time I was learning to drive. It’s funny how people reflexively slow down when you see the distinctive silhouette, headlights and grille until you realize every Old

This sounds like a fantastic episode of Super Store


I learned how to play dominoes when I worked at Walmart, and I think that was the most useful skill that job bestowed upon me

I have a friend who did 2 tours in Iraq. Maybe 2 or 3 years after he was out, he was waiting for a bus when he saw a white van speed down a street. So he started watching it. He watched the van stop at a sewer and throw something down it. He then watched the van pull up to a house, 4 people get out, and hop into a

Oh man, that last Op sounds problematic in a few ways. I really hope he at least had some legit reason to suspect them, though I have no clue what you possibly would have done at the base.

Right? Good thing I was already sitting down.

And it is never their shit that burns.

Not enough stars to give


Can you infiltrate something you’re the original creator of?

The correct answer to the ingested wrapper question: you know those thin pieces of paper that separate slices of prepackaged cheese? Those get consumed more than anything.