
Why? Does cardboard pass through easier?

One night have getting absolutely hammered my boys and I decided to head to the BK lounge for some burgers. My boy orders some kind of BBQ burger they had back then and asked for extra BBQ sauce on it. They put so much sauce on it that almost disintegrates the wrapping paper, my friends grabs the bag and eats burger

Why, do the boxes taste better? 

Please help me test my hypothesis. There are only 3 users of FaceTme (1) parents talking to their children (usually while staying late at the office or on a work trip to assuage working parent guilt); (2) new couples that are sexting; (3) people under 25.

Also: fuck that he’s talking to his kid. Every locker room ever has a no cellphone policy anyways. As a habitual towel user I’d walk by naked just to prove a fucking point. Try and charge me with shit; you’re the fucking creep talking to a child in a place where naked men frequent...

This is the best, and frankly only, advice that can be given to a person post-30.

I like the people who hold the phone directly in front of their mouths to speak, then transfer it to their ears to listen, then back to their mouths to speak.

I’ve recently come to accept that I do, in fact, like looking at birds.

Unless it’s for naughty reasons, I don’t understand Facetime at all.

I thought I was in a bad mood, but it’s been a few years so I guess this is just who I am now.

I wholeheartedly enjoy your attitude and share it in many ways, but I’d argue that speaking with a young child is the one time FaceTime is actually a worthwhile cause. Kids recognize faces and the emotions they convey. The combination of your expressions and your voice will help them understand a lot more than talking

I don’t know. I’m over 40 and when I would travel for work facetime allowed my 3 year old to remember what I look like, and she loved it so much more than a phone call. That being said I only ever did it in a hotel room. Facetime-ing in public is barbaric.

“develop a few key rants”

I have a two and a four-year old, and maybe it’s just because it is all they have ever known, but they most certainly DO care that they can see my face, my hotel room, my airplane, whatever I happen to be doing.

Kids care a whole lot more about seeing you and talking to you than just hearing you. You should still only videochat in private.

just this weekend i had to listen to a woman in a park repeat herself constantly and screaming on facetime while also trying to show her kid to whoever was on the other end.

Counterpoint from someone possibly even older than you: Facetime is 👍but y’know, NOT IN A PLACE WHERE NAKED PEOPLE ARE WALKING AROUND.

And honestly the thing to do if you see someone on FaceTime while driving is sideswipe them as hard as possible without hurting anyone and then collecting some sweet insurance money. What’s their defense going to be if they dispute the claim, when you can just say they were on FaceTime and not paying attention?

Maybe he’ll have a rage-stroke and we’ll finally be rid of him.