
Mine do. We use to have that shitty square cheese “pizza” in the cafeteria which had the consistency of rubber but tasted worse.

....are YoU my pappy? 

According to her uncle and her grandpa, Kathy’s a fine young lady. I, on the other hand, think she should get a second opinion...

She tried to get disability but there ain’t no coverage for gravel knee. She has two sisters named Syphilis and Gonorrhea,her mama was real proud the hospital put such purty names in her chart. They both got arrested once for making pornos with her and their pitbull named killer.They say up there in the hills that you

Wow. Creative! I like it.

Having become more lactose intolerant as I’ve gotten older, I haven’t really drank milk (proper, vitamin-D whole milk) in a very long time. But what you just said flashed me back to being a kid and that weird taste of the last few sips of milk from a paper carton. There’s something special about that.

I believe downer meat was still completely acceptable in schools through the 80's. Says a lot.

Not like anyone’s worried about a bar fight with Air Force pilots, frankly.  Even the Coast Guard guys win that fight outnumbered 2-to-1.

Being from Detroit, this is a bad take, since we have grown up with Buddy’s Pizza, which is a thicker crust pizza baked in a deep dish pan cut in squares. They call it Detroit style now, and every place has their version of it, but that is the original.  And it is really good, since they cut the squares so that each

I went to college in Hartford in the late 80's. I was stunned when I ordered a pizza and found out that the default for all pizza in Hartford at that time was square pieces (cut most fucked-upedly out of a round pie) unless you ordered it “New York Style.”

My Jr High and High Schools in the late 90s both had Taco Bell, Subway, and Pizza Hut in house. I never understood the TV stereotype about bad cafeteria food at school.

Where I went to high school, the cafeteria staff used to wipe the whipped topping (I doubt it was cream) off the unsold Jello with a dish rag.  Then, they would put the Jello away and try to sell it another day, once the whipped topping had been renewed.  Once I learned that, I never bought Jello in the cafeteria

Ahhh memories. To this day, anytime I get shitty pizza its “cafeteria pizza”.

Sicilian pizza is square cut and should be, because if it were a round pie and a slice it would die under its own weight.

Public school lunch is still as grim as it ever was, depending on the school. Poor districts don’t have much money to spend on food, and districts where there is a mix of poor and wealthy neighborhoods tend to spend more on the food in the rich neighborhoods. Plus, school lunch has to meet stricter nutritional

But Air Force pilots got “The Right Stuff”. They win, easy.

Could anyone ever tell the difference between chipped beef and sausage gravy purely on sight? I couldn’t.

Square-cut thin crust is awesome and correct. Square-cut regular crust (or, god forbid, deep-dish) is not.

I always preferred, “But hey, I’m sure landing on 14,ooo feet of hard surface runway has its challenges, too....”

My father was a fighter pilot of that era. I have seen so many war movies, and never even heard of Iron Eagle. That’s probably why... (he also wasn’t a big fan of the F-16 as he was an F-4 pilot).