
turned into Ragu lololol

Yeah, I think there’s a logic that you can’t let people think they’ll be left alone if trying to break into a military base or they’ll start trying to jack the tanks. This is likely the correct assumption.

Also like a 3+ week heads up, even if they were remotely serious...I mean you have to believe that if by some miracle they do have something super incriminating out there, surely they have a plan in place to make it disappear in under 24 hours if need be.

You know that, after this fucker’s tenure is over, every single golf course, or other kind of property for that matter, is going to have the stupidest security.

I was just having this convo yesterday. I believe there is some critical point that exists. If 100 people tried this, I firmly believe they’d be shot\arrested. However, if 500,000 did it, I believe the forces there would be stand down. I don’t see the murder of half a million people going down to well, but a hundred

Just drive a big ol’ truck on the greens everywhere and ruin the grass, also introduce moles, geese and gators to take over the area.

Imagine if the weirdos that want to storm Area 51 got in on this...

I have zero doubt that some idiots will die because of this Facebook idiocy.

If only the Space Force followed the same procedures.

There have been several activist incursions into nuclear sites where no shots were fired and the intruders were just arrested. I think in the USA at this time, guards are going to be very reluctant to pull the trigger.

When these types of things come up, I always think about the lowly E-2, fresh out of basic, maybe 6 weeks on the job, and what he’s going to do. Odds are, he’ll make the situation worse. In this case, he’s absolutely going to spread around 2400 rounds of 5.56 because he’s scared shitless a bunch of his millennial

Your short game is shit.

and fiber

Area 51 is COVERED with these signs that don’t screw around and basically say WE WILL SHOOT YOU AND LEAVE YOUR CORPSE FOR THE COYOTES.

Step 1: a million edgy kids on their hoverboards mill around outside Area 51 until someone says “ok lol let’s do it yolo fomo

I’ve heard of an Air Force general ending up face down with an angry dog and its handler standing over him because he didn’t believe that he wasn’t authorized to approach something sensitive. There’s no messing around. Also, I do think I read that someone got killed on the grounds at 51 earlier this year.

It couldn’t be hard at all to, 2 months before the tournament, sneak on the course and spray long lasting herbicide--fuck, maybe we can get some Agent Orange--on all the greens. That would effectively ruin the tournament (they wouldn’t be able to replace the greens in time) and would be a hell of an act of civil

shoulda done it, coward

It would also require a person to consume quantities of Taco Bell unheard of if they planned to do it by themselves in one night

But it would be an act of valor if one person crept onto the course at night and shat in the holes on all of the greens.