
I’ll mark you down for a 2 on that one.

White Twitter sounds like the name of an albino stripper who graduated to fetish porn.

West Virginia - gorgeous state filled with people who’s blood was replaced by Mountain Dew.

I spent most my life in Alabama, most recently north Alabama. The Tennessee Valley. Beautiful area. Went back a few weeks ago for a wedding and to visit family & friends. Although it was the summer and the humidity was oppressive, the marked slowness in lifestyle compared to where I currently live (Denver) was nice.

Same, grew up in south eastern Kentucky, with family a few hours away on the other side of the smoky mountains in NC, loved my childhood. Going back to visit now, it’s nothing but racists, meth heads, and racist meth heads all the way down.

I thought for sure he was going to say West Virginia when he said “THEY POPPITY.” Turns out there are rubes everywhere.

Oklahoma has some truly spectacular and majestic plains, especially at sunrise and sunset, but it also has Oklahomans.

Reminds me of the Ozarks in Missouri. Beautiful area, but it’s chock full of morons. 

Im Alaskan and I’m going to have to agree with Drew. Where else can you spend 1000s of dollars to come see some wildlife, glorious mountain vistas, or fjords, and also see fucking Cleetus from 'Bama drunk rallying their 4x4 over the tundra, proudly flying the confederate flag? Alaska is a dumping ground for boomer

Or, then summer happens, and humidity out the ass. 

West Virginia. Particularly the Clarksburg environs. Some of the prettiest country you’ll ever see (except where the mining companies have fucked shit up), but full of backward squirrelfuckers (some, I’m sure, are good people)

Alabama is actually a pretty state, but fuck.   Based on my travels, Idaho, Florida, and Alabama.

It’s Maine. The landscape is obviously beautiful. Mountains, rivers, lakes, ocean, Acadia National Park, etc.... The people are wretched.

Yeah, this is pretty much it. I have relatives in Alabama and there was something so beautiful about dusk in the country, quiet, stars just coming out, trees draped in kudzu... then some asshole in a loud beater ass car comes by blasting some music that was past its prime 20 years ago. Shut that shit off.

I grew up in Kentucky. It’s beautiful....and I don’t ever, ever go back thanks to the people. 

West Virginia fits this description perfectly!

While not a separate state, my beloved home region of Upstate NY is breathtakingly beautiful (Adirondacks, Watkins Glen, Letchworth Park) but good gracious is it a mecca of MAGA enthusiasts.

I dunno. I think Alaska has it.

I would like to nominate West Virginia, please. All the dickishness of the south without even the veneer of Southern Hospitality to make it go down easier.

Every single mind-numbingly hot summer in Houston, I think to myself, “Why the hell did I stick around?”