
The douchebag dad insists that this could be over if the potential thug simply gave him the name of his friend, a proposition to which Michel responds by informing the Yacubian cop-caller: “I don’t have to tell you shit,” which coincidentally, is a direct quote from the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.

Would you have received a sheepskin with your name at the end? Then 5 grand is a bargain.

I find myself turning to Bob & Tom in the morning when NPR is reporting on some Trump crap, but had to turn the radio off when NPR was reporting on the children in concentration camp cages and B&T had on Donnie Baker.  Sometimes there’s just no winning.

I agree, and I don’t even like potato salad.

What I really don’t get, also as a Mayo American, is why in the hell white people generally find it impossible to season their goddamn food?  Seriously people, USE SOME FUCKING SALT!!!!

My husband is Italian/Irish white...he will concur.

Now playing

Nobody wants Karen’s bland ass potato salad.

I’m also one and I agree. Too high of a risk that someone will put raisins in the food where they don’t belong (seriously non-Southern whites, what’s the deal with all the fucking raisins...gross). 

Stern, and only Stern for thirty plus years. You cannot teach genius- it's innate. 

Dang, I remember after I got married and moved to the central california area, accidentally finding Don and Mike and being hooked. Listened for years, I would go out to my car on lunch, make my wife listen as we drove around and did errands.

I fucking hate the Eagles.

I had a 3-month contract job where they had pizza+beer every Friday. The first Friday we were all awestruck that this was a thing but none of us went to go get a beer. The 2nd Friday I was that guy who brought a beer back to my workstation and continued working.

“some V.A. type nightmare”

$20 says Bret votes for Trump in 2020.

Add to that "print small"

I think I love you

Posts like this always remind me of the quote, something along the lines of, “I’m not the asshole here, it’s all of you that are assholes!”
Seriously, if you hate your current job/workplace so much, do something about it and make a change. Although based on your post I have to assume you’d feel the same wherever you’d

Any company that gives you free beer, or has a gym/dry cleaner/free cafeteria/any other “benefit” like that is simply trying to get you to stay there for more and more of your day.

Yeah this is the same as going to class drunk (unofficial at U of I, I’m sure there are examples at most big schools). It sounds good in theory but then you have to sit still and relatively quietly for an extended period of time.

It’s the same thing as having a song as your ringtone. You’re just gonna end up hating that song and associating it with “Ugh, I wonder who’s bugging me now”.