It would certainly take a person of ENORMOUS control and precision.
It would certainly take a person of ENORMOUS control and precision.
Be a shame if people crept onto the course at night at shat in the holes on the greens.
I lived in Idaho, it’s as bad as you suspect.
Which states have the biggest disparity between how beautiful the state’s geography is and how terrible the people are?
I strongly suspect it would’ve been written in crayon.
Bless YOUR heart, cuz, you know, I get the joke. Enjoy your bland ass raisin filled potato salad this 4th!
Some people just shouldn’t be allowed to cook.
Speaking as a Mayo American, and having witnessed some truly egregious Potato Salads in my day, I say this is a tough but fair policy.
Yeah, that really took the heart out of Don (and the show).
This is happening to some degree, thanks to Clear Channel and other bloodless radio titans Jack-FMing the industry into submission
Hah hah! You’ve clearly never come for Pictionary and Chaz and Buffy’s lake house my friend! It’s quite raucous fun! Things can turn scatological if we are not careful!!
I had the app for a hot minute, until I noticed how the Gentry who’ve turned my little swathe of West Harlem into Park Slope North seemed to be the pettiest ass people in the Universe.
It would need the phrase “Feel free to use other side of page, as you will need to”
I may well BE the asshole, but that’s not my point. It’s my JOB, it’s is what I do so I can do the other things in life that bring me joy. I don’t NEED to be buddies, I need to professional, do my work and get on with my life.
The answer is D. It’s always D.
Which sort of defeats the purpose? The fun of an office beer is drinking beer, in an office, a place where you generally don’t.
I want a PSA for this so badly!
You’re drunk at a random bar in Anywhere, USA. What’s the most interesting thing you find in the bar bathroom?
This is why I can sideways respect Google, they are refreshingly honest about how they exploit us, and they give us useful things for in exchange. Facebook gives us nothing but shitposts by aging Boomer parents and the random neo-nazi gun nut we went to high school with and somehow missed in the Great Unfriending of…
This is actually a frighteningly interesting premise for a story/movie. Like in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but it’s a tech company slowly replacing us with our digital replicants.