
I figured that out via context. I didn't get a good look at what she SAW, though, which made her reaction seem kinda OTT.

I stand corrected. One of whom is still alive. :-/

Major is Still Making Terrible Decisions. Dude. I get that she died. I get that people are ostracizing you. I get that things are bleak at the moment. But signing up to a paramilitary group preparing to draw down against humans is not, perhaps, the best way to deal with your overwhelming angst. Especially when the

I'm leaning towards Major's Terrible Decision this week being taking a Zombie-to-Human friend who was basically a sex slave to zombies to an all-zombie party, even if he didn't know it was going to be as big of a blast as it was (fnarfnar). PTZD, anyone?

She had a cameo v/o in the one with the Librarian Erotica Writer.

Blaine's new Chief?

It's possible that Major is good at seeing how to solve other people's problems and is hopeless at his own. We all know people like that.

I rewatched the clip. Liv's response could be similar to that of someone finding out that someone they knew and care out slept with someone who regularly did horrible things. I think it's her. It would explain why she completely disappeared since Peyton dropped by, seeing as how she was supposed to be researching the

"Ugh, my DVR/DirecTV messed up and only started recording after I think the first 10-15 minutes so I missed the big Liv & Blaine rescue Ravi & Don E. scene. Did all the zombie truthers but Harley die?"

Again with the No Terrible Decisions this week. You're cramping my style, Major. I was sure you were going to let Shauna slide.

No overtly Terrible Decisions (tm) this week, but I withhold the right to do a "Major Made Terrible Decisions (tm)" in the future once we find out who Shauna is (and with Vaughan du Clarke having been the smarmy horndog he probably was, I'm not ruling out the idea that Shauna isn't another of his kids come to make

Peyton strikes me as more of a Fiasco player, than a D&D player.

ADR can't be that expensive.

He may already have freed his arms by going into FOZM.

That was perhaps one of the best hours of television I think I have ever seen.

Major does make Terrible Decisions (tm).

Yeah. I was kinda going for that, too, but I thought (1) it had to be a red drink (for obvious reasons), and (2) it should be cold.

I was thinking maybe a chilled Bloody Mary made with Tequila instead of Vodka?

After a rewatch, it was Major who confronted them in the hood (a subsection of "Major Makes Terrible Decisions"). Justin was backup.

Just rewatched. This is the first time she's gone back into a vision to get a better look at something, yeah?