
He has the mental capacity of a 5-year-old

Cry more. Making dumbass statements about something you’re unfamiliar with is pretty much textbook judging. The fact that you think the existence of other news and these stories are mutually exclusive makes me think you’re a fucking idiot, as well.

It’s not a zero sum game. Jezebel also has thoughtful, well-written work. If reality shows aren’t for you, fine. Just read their other stuff.

Shut up, judgey. Some of us like these recaps for various reasons. You didn’t have to click on the article or even read it if it’s not your cup of tea. Fuck.

He was great in Fargo.

Brava! Bravissima!!

What we’ve done instead of trying to surround him with what people consider A-listers is we are going to surround him with the soft sensuality of the place. It’s a much more poetic cadence than having a circus-like celebration that’s a coronation,” Barrack said. “That’s the way this president-elect wanted it.

Annother dipshit with the awareness of PEEotus

Reading this makes me think Charlie is lucky he just got fired and not taken out back and shot...

WHAAAAT! I did NOT know that! I am incensed! Like, Charmin can make commercials about “enjoying the go” (C’MON GROSS YOU BEARS DON’T TALK ABOUT IT!) but red water is a no-go. LE SIGHHHHHH x Infinity

“Like, we’re the ones who kind of, in a weird way, tell a story or a lie to children so they do stuff that they never thought was possible.”

The hilarious thing is that a word, when spoken, cannot possibly be ‘graphic.’ Evidently, ignorance of the English language is also a requirement for being a Republican staffer, in addition to being repulsed by lady biology.

As a redhead, I particularly love seeing tiny reheads. What a cutie!

Not enough wistful smiling with a spoon of yogurt in your hand.

And I always, always have a happy period.

The blue liquid thing cracks me up every time. Just, making a bloody tampon hair-bow* with a girlfriend, dripping fake blood onto a tampon, and she suddenly shouts, “WHY with the blue liquid? We ALL KNOW what it’s for, and it’s NOT BLUE! THIS *gestures to our craft* IS A TAMPON COMMERCIAL!” I think of it every

“Smile skinnily.” This is so helpful.

Such a good call about it killing her that she can’t be public about it! You are spot on. She would looove the attention for a storyline and the proximity to real fame. I can only imagine the cringe-y-ness of Scheana trying to ingratiate herself to Hillary Duff.

Yes he is from a remarkably wealthy Canadian family. So even tho he’s blown through his hockey money and has no real job on the horizon.... he still has mega cash flow. You know she just loves it. It’s probably killing her to not be able to confirm it.

Oh my goodness what a cutie pie!