
Dorit makes me rage - she’s so stupid she can’t even properly own up to what her stupidity has caused.

You’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole.

Ahem. Wymyn-Fil-A.

We could not listen or listen to Bo Bice forever...

I merely skimmed your comment but suddenly got so upset that someone might deny me ranch.

bullshit. like there’s really a place called Oslo.

Your commitment to tone in this comment never wavered. Excellent kinja.

“If the tables had been turned and I had used something...and been as insensitive as to say something like that, you’re talking about I would be boycotted, there would be people not buying my albums...”

The stereotype that white people always carry ranch dressing around with them is not cool anymore. When you say ‘He’s already got his, that white boy over there’” don’t just fucking assume I’m carrying my own ranch dressing around with me you hurtful monster. I need it for my tenders and when you assume that I already

I don’t know about your gay friends, but this is definitely not a straight-person specific thing.

its a beautiful video!!!

Don’t know what’s going on, but feel better. Here’s a hug for you.

The video was really sweet.... Sending hugs. 💛

It made me tear up too. The shot of her looking all misty watching her home videos got me.

I am admittedly emotionally fucked up at the moment but the video made me tear up. Granted the settings aren’t everyday but the family vibe was genuine and really sweet.

MommaKris probably is ready to turn off the money spigot.

Amen. Anyone who thought Warren or Sanders where their first pick, and Trump came second, doesn’t give a flying fuck about a single thing Warren or Sanders actually believe or want to achieve in goverment. They just don’t want to admit now they were utterly uninformed and lazy as fuck, and their vote had nothing at

This. The false equivalencies this cycle were amazing.

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.

No, that’s the chairman.