
I don’t think women are more thoughtful. I think men and boys are very thoughtful but the culture of masculinity tells them they have to hide or ignore feelings of sensitivity or thoughtful caring insights. Women at least have some freedom to be openly thoughtful and sensitive.


I realize this is the most insignificant thing to take from this story, but I’m so exhausted from white people saying blatantly racists things and then turning aroung to say they are not a racist. I don’t even get mad anymore when I hear that line of reasoning. I just groan loudly and look at the sky for some sort of

“I’m not a racist — those are only things I say from my true heart-of-hearts in private to my friends!”

I was wondering! I was like ‘what he just chipped a bit off the Arc De Triomphe wow guy.

The idea of Jax Taylor and Kellyanne Conway having a secret love affair and getting kicked off a plane together fills me with delight!

Serena’s poem looks like Dickenson compared to that poem.

That dude has a total Jax Taylor vibe.

we are now boarding the passengers seated in the no class section of our fight.

I agree that it’s probably fear more than hate. I won’t lie, a well placed cut goes deep. But that’s more about my insecurities than anything else.

About 20 years back in one of my first jobs, one of the saleswomen had a similar engagement story; he sent her on a spa day and when she asked for her coat, the spa girl brought her a fur (apparently they argued for a few minutes before saleswoman accepted that something was going on and not just that the spa girl was

This was amazing. Thank you for writing!

Saving this GIF. This is how I feel about most things.

The little Reddit creature versions of them are actually really cute.

Real Housewives of Melbourne is worth watching for Gina. She’s iconic. Probably one of the best housewives in the history of housewives.

In RHONYC’s “Berkshires” we trust

Pettifleur is clinically insane. You could stop her ranting by placing a full length body mirror in front of her so she has no choice but to admire herself. Good God that woman....


If I were a Real Housewife, I would want to have fights with the following: