
‘I would never...’ = have the guts to walk up to you and say those things, which is why we drove up to you in a pack waving flags and weapons terrorising you and shouted them at you.

Please in the name of all that is good and right with the world - and yeah, okay, some that is small and petty too - let her divorce him during his presidency.

Caitlin. Fucken. Jenner.

Fuck me dead, (as we say in Australia in the 1970s 😐), how embarrassing.

Ugh. Lisa Rinna can kiss my ass.

Fat Damon

We are all going to die, at we?

Right? How are you going to convince anyone that after YEARS of being on a show called ‘the CELEBRITY Apprentice’, *now* you don’t want to surround yourself with A-listers? *Now* you don’t crave the Hoi-poloi fawning over your every move?

Jesus Christ.

It’s literally for morality and decency purposes. I’m not even lying. Legally, advertisers canNOT show red liquid when advertising women’s sanitary items because it is ‘indecent’. 😐

It’s remarkable what our new dryweave technology, designed to draw moisture AWAY from your body can do! Especially when it has wings...you never have to smile fatly again.

Coincidentally, that was the last storyline I can remember too. I was about 12 or maybe 13/14?

Oh YASSSSSSSSS: take some stars. Good👏Goooood👏 Gooooooooooood👏👏👏👏👏

Hey Julian Assange, you total cockwomble: suck many balls.

Who ARE these fucken idiotic men? o_O

Oh man! That’s maybe one of the nicest things ever 😊 Thankyou so much for that. What a very lovely thing to say!

Thankyou! He is, as we like to say here in Australia a ‘ranga’, or as my husband and I prefer, a ‘Fanta pants’.

I feel like I could actually get behind a book burning if this bullshit goes ahead.

I could happily live my life without ever watching this documentary. In fact, I’d be happier if it never existed.

Ugh. My little boy has plagiocephaly. And the best neurosurgeons and neurologists advised us AGAINST getting a helmet fitted for him because a) all the evidence now points to the fact that kids who don’t use them improve NATURALLY just as much as kids who do use them over time b) they are uncomfortable and unnecessary