The fact you write “ban tiktok” is highly sus. The bill pushes for TikTok to be sold so that it’s no longer under CCP control. The ban is just the fallback.
At least this article doesn’t have mostly screenshots of an avatar looking like yourself...
The fact you write “ban tiktok” is highly sus. The bill pushes for TikTok to be sold so that it’s no longer under CCP control. The ban is just the fallback.
At least this article doesn’t have mostly screenshots of an avatar looking like yourself...
I can buy that moral reasoning. I wonder how many of the people vehemently against AI would buy into that.
I very much understand the technical difference between gen AI and old-school procedural generation. My question was more about where the anti-AI people draw the moral line, since much of the complaining seems to…
And at least it’s a DLC. While not great, much better than them releasing P3 Reloaded Platinum a year later at full price which is in essence what happened with Royal.
So your issue than is with the training data, as asked in my original question. So if all the training data was owned by the company, would you be happy?
Thanks for sharing! That’s an interesting read!
The section on “Layoffs negatively impact companies in real but hard-to-measure ways.” is probably the most interesting one and also least conclusive. I can see that a lot of things depend on the details of the execution, as well as the circumstances.
As an example, I…
Customers will be waiting the same amount of time, no matter the price. Employees can only make so many burgers and fries in a given timeframe, no matter the price.
I am for a robust social safety net and UBI in particular. I don’t think Ayn Rand would like that. I am not in favor of fucking with the market where it’s functioning well.
Can you explain how the economics are different?
Of course there is a temporary(!) shortage of supply. Only that many fries and burgers can be made in a given timeframe. So you either have to wait or go elsewhere. Wendy’s is prioritizing the customers who are willing to pay more to get their food sooner.
That said, I’ve never even seen any line at Wendy’s. I am…
Do you have a link to that research? The Netflix book by Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer makes a very strong argument that correctly done layoffs can have a healthy impact on company culture which I’ve seen confirmed by my friends working there.
A majority of consumers (52%) say dynamic pricing is equivalent to price gouging
Surge pricing works for Uber and Lyft not because of their market power, but because it also creates additional incentive for drivers to drive during that time. There is also potentially a huge difference in urgency for users of car services. If I am running late for a meeting, or flight, I might be happy to pay more…
The Luddites absolutely were against automation. A large part of their campaign was hammering on the lower quality of the products. Of course if that was an issue, these products hadn’t taken off.
Before automated looms most people were able to afford a single set of clothing. The automated loom brought us more choice in clothing and made it much more affordable while allowing us to use our human resources elsewhere.
This is what all automation does. It make us more efficient and the whole of society wealthier.…
Given the randomized elements and procedurally generated levels in the game, Kotaku asked if Pacific Drive uses any generative AI tools. “As a company we have a pretty firm policy against using any of that stuff in really any capacity,” Rosen confirmed.
To make it worse, in the original game you were in part running away from the English.
I am not sure why there is this obsession with games needing to be long. Time is precious, I’d rather have a shorter game that hits hard. Who of us has the issue that their backlog is too short?
Honestly, I would prefer the mod somehow to become a smash hit and nobody buys the DLC. It’s a remake of a game that’s almost 20 years old from a company that constantly releases slightly modified versions of old content. Just release the full thing on launch! I don’t even care that much if they charge extra, but give…
That is “Guild Navigator 3rd Degree” to you