
Not the best-worded sentiment, but in context it is fine.

She made a classic Liberal mistake. She assumed her audience was intelligent enough to listen to the rest of her speech.

Look, we have serious economic problems in many parts of our country. And Roland is absolutely right. Instead of dividing people the way Donald Trump does, let’s reunite around policies that will bring jobs and opportunities to all these underserved poor communities.

It was a foolish ruling that ignores the way the internet works and is effectively rewriting history.

Also important to note: these laws only have the little (but powerful) support they do because they are implicitly classist and racist.

So what you’re saying is people have a problem with billionaires.

I’m all for having a character and monster builder, but theres no way I’m going to pay that much for digital copies of books which I already own. They should do what plenty of other games companies do and give you a download code for the digital content when you buy the more expensive physical book. (although i’ll

Depends if their policy covers acts of goat.

Most likely saw it’s reflection as an adversary. Either way it’s funny.

DC cinematic Universe:^^ This is what Lex Luthor is supposed to look like.

For one thing, you couldn’t really tell in this image that the saucer section had a double-ring, whereas it’s clearly got gaps in the new poster.

On the plus side, it can do the work of 20 racists in half the time.

That treatment won’t help that kid. The brain damage and other problems he has are permanent. He’ll die as soon as he’s off the equipment. The parents are living in a pipe dream, and shame on politicians like the GOP who are trying to exploit these gullible parents for their own political agenda.

My wife had to have her gallbladder out. We have insurance, she works for a healthcare company and I work for a university affiliated with a major medical center...so you would think it would be decent insurance, especially staying in network with the medical center. Still cost us 5K out of pocket after insurance.

DoctorNine - “Anyone who has ‘philosophical’ grounds for opposing universal government sponsored health care, needs to read this article, and contemplate the good fortune of their current existence.”

Depends on what kind of therapy it is. There are 60-70 conditions (mostly cancers) where post-treatment analysis by Medicare has determined the therapy to be effective, and those will be reimbursed. As stem cell and bone marrow transplants are viewed differently from solid-organ transplants though, we currently have

agreed. It’s infuriating that people have to go bankrupt or grovel to get medical care paid for.

Love, it’s supposedly what makes a Subaru, a Subaru.

Come one Subaru Marketing, this is a no brainer, deliver this man a bad ass 2018 STI.