We just are so much better than this.
The sooner Elon Mush drops dead from covid or rides a rocket into the sun, the better off this world will be.
be the change you want to see in the world....
It’s the everything has to be a live service mentality, that ruins games and developers.
I’m so exhausted of late stage capitalism. When do we get to the part where we put CEOs and shareholders in a guillotine?
Giving the reliability and transitory ‘status’ of ‘games as a service’ that publishers like Ubisoft has shown us, I believe I speak for every gamer when I say, “Fuck right off,” in response to Ubisoft’s newest asinine idea.
Nonsense. The melting points of plastics is highly variable. There are plenty of quality plastics that are immune to this problem. This is 100% cost cutting.
Cops exist solely to fuck with people or fuck people up. They're not protecting or serving anyone.
I’m not George Miller, so... ND.
This article lets former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) off the hook by not mentioning him either. He’s the one who initially pushed for the deal despite significant criticism and evidence that the deal would never pay off for the Wisconsin economy due to shifting demands and promises from Foxconn after a massive…
Yeah, what exactly is the “center” position between “I believe this group of people should be afforded the same rights and respect as another group” and “I believe this group has no right to exist”?
The “Fuck your Feelings” crowd sure likes their safe spaces.
“Reality has a well known liberal bias” - Stephen Colbert
There’s a ridiculous number of gaming hours queueing up for the next few months anyways.
“We can’t make movies without actors. We can’t even market movies without actors. But we don’t want to pay the actors. And don’t even get me started on writers.”
Sort of, but these physically force their way into your house with a gun and bottles of wine and then refuse to leave.
Stop trying to make NFTs happen.