
Agree, it wasn’t the gender swap, it was the minimalization of Liet Kynes and their involvement/significance to the Fremen.

Except that Chani understood Paul’s decision and need and supported him through it. Fremen are practical/pragmatic. I’ll have to see how they handle Harah for example, in Part Two. Fremen are Polygamous. Paul was more reluctant in many ways than Chani as he felt he had to constantly re-assure her of his fidelity for

If you’re going to target a demographic for being gullible and stupid, Elon Musk’s fans are a good bet.

Making humanity unpaid labour to train the applications that will replace them.  It’s like having kids, including their penchant for dipping into your wallet and abandoning you in your old age.

Company spends $20 million to test a concept to avoid having to staff appropriately and compensate their staff. Because that is what this is , in the end. A means to manage staffing levels and discourage rush while also profiting from it.

Um, yes, totally train your AI on redditors.... Nothing bad could possibly ever happen.

The ‘Tales from the Borderlands’ finger gun fight was likely the best, most surprising, element of any game I have ever played.  It was HILARIOUS.

I’m pretty far from being a Musk apologist. I’ve disliked the guy from the start.

Would you expect anything else from a behemoth corporation with likely monopoly AND monopsony power? The founder just moved to Florida to save on some taxes, and the media is all about how its potentially $600,000,000 ore more he’s saving. What they fail to tell you that its 0.3% of his net worth.

Season 3 of Hannibal was just a hot mess.   The first two seasons are great.

I would steal one of those droids in a hot minute...

As noted elsewhere, ‘personal assistants’ in phones without requiring a physical interaction to activate means the microphone is on and listening.

amazon, from September 2022 through September 2023 made a NET profit of over 20 Billion Dollars.

Monopsony/Monopoly power will do that. We’re fooling ourselfs as well when we believe there is ‘competition’. Most market segments are served by three or five providers but these three to five providers are part of an industry interest group with a lobbying arm and work together co-incidentally.

What could you build with $707.61 today?  That’s the inflation adjusted amount for $500 in 2008.

PS - Why is firefox having to load every Kimja site twice? Edge doesn’t do this. But when I load a page in brings up everything, adds and all, and then after a second the screen goes completely white, and then the page reloads completely after a couple seconds.

So, Y’all cord cutters are now in for it worse than Cable. Market has fragmented into all these tiny little eco-systems and yet many have at least one desireable program, and to get them you either have to juggle which memberships to currently be paying for or, pay out the nose to a tune far more expensive than

Nope! I’m not at all confortable with paying a higher aggregate price for a lower quality product and one that they can, at their discretion, take away completely.

The Petroleum Industry strikes again.

Bad Idea SEC, but lobbying money wins....