
I never got the amount of Émelie Dequenne I wanted after first seeing this film.

Yeah, I was a bit surprised as well. But being in Daddy’s business and taking the equivalent of of a couple weeks worth of 9 hour days in lectures at a hotel.. I’m pretty sure he’s still at the ‘Yup, looks like they’re dead’ stage. Especially if he’s performing autopsies. Thats a MD/Pathologists job, not a morticians.

Here’s the State of Missouri’s ‘Training’ - EG 20 hours of training, yearly, or they fine yah $1,000!

Also - HAH check out the description of the Medicolegal Death Investigators training...

There have been multiple articles and stories about how bad many Coroners are. Most are completely unqualified for the job.

Just came here to say the same...

PS - Can I be re-ungreyed? I made the mistake of calling out someone directly when responding to their article, because paragraph by paragraph they were wrong.

Disney has been playing pretty fast and loose on this and many other subjects legally.

If you can’t get Nemoy, then go for his replacement in everything... Zachary Quinto

Nope, have not done any production/filming on the second half. Part of Denis’ concern about WB’s release direct to home via On Demand was that it would hurt chances for the second half being contracted/made.

I explained the same but any post I make, no matter how innocuous goes into the ether.

Maybe if your parents weren’t such pricks to their Dr.?

The Neckbeards would freak about how it was wrong to ‘race swap’ Bruce Banner and would go off etc on how it wasn’t right or realistic...

Of course the Federalist Society is involved.

Would I be able to be ungreyed then?

Dude, this reminds me of a joke....

I can’t be the only one who saw ‘Neanderthal’ big shoulders and stringy blonde hair with a blurred out face and thought...

With no contracts or anything for the second installment.. so.. fingers crossed.

Nah, they really used the House Atreides atomics, against the Landsraad rules.

Bogs had a lot of ritual significance.