
“Fauci Says Black America Not Safe From Covid-19 Yet”

A Black woman who worked for 12 years as a receptionist at Alabama’s state-run museum of the Confederacy...”

“...he leaked former NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s daughter’s arrest record stemming from a Black Lives Matter protest in 2020.”

Yeah, constitutional rights and shit make policing too hard, and policies protecting citizens take the fun out of being a cop.

It’s so common at so many schools in so many states, I couldn’t begin to remember just one school.

Maybe, but I’d never pick a fight with her, and she did kick the right ass for the right reason.

Cardi B testified that she felt “suicidal” in the wake of Kebe’s videos, and said that “only an evil person could do that sh–.”

Thing is, we spend more incarcerating poor people, treating poor people in emergency rooms, and the lost accomplishments of poor people than it would cost to raise people out of poverty.

What would reparations look like if you were in charge? Seriously.

“Well the question is what are they basing the figures on? The labor under slavery? Are they including the systems that effected those who were freed during slavery?”

What would reparations look like? Cutting a check to every descendant of slavery won’t do. Giving someone struggling against housing, educational, and job discrimination $50,000 or even $100,000 while leaving them to struggle against the same discrimination would leave them in the same situation once the money ran out.

“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” and “In the Heat of the Night” were not really safe roles when they were made. They were white-financed movies that successfully showed racism on screens in front of large white audiences.
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“To Sir with Love” is a large part of the reason I became a teacher.

“It just hurts for me to say that because I do think this was a mistake. I also think that does not absolve you from responsibility for your actions.”

It’s the “white boys will be white boys” approach to discipline.


Then I’m not expressing myself clearly, and I apologize.

Bigots aren’t born, they’re raised in families and nurtured by the people around them. Just as I feel sorry for a child raised in poverty, I feel sorry for a child raised in bigotry.

Punishing individual cops, no matter how much they deserve it, will never fix the problem of cops killing Black people at a higher rate per capita than white people. It won’t fix the problem of cops needlessly killing people. It’s gotta happen, but it’s not a solution to people armed and authorized by the government

“Ah yes, white female tears..One of the most effective & potent weapons in the arsenal of white supremacy/power.”

Also, her entire defense is that she pulled the wrong weapon and “accidentally” shot someone she intended to tase, which means even if we took her at her word, she’s clearly not a “good cop.”