
It seems kind of a stretch to extrapolate info on humans based on data you get from lizards.

That study is about lizards. This is about humans. Da fuck mate.

yes and it's only 17-0 in the first quarter! Making this one of the more competitive Thursday night games we've been treated to.

Very Snow. Such chicken. Many Kelly. So violence. Wow.

I have no problem with vegetarians but this shit never works on me. You can show all of the pamphlets and give my food names all you need to; I'm going to STILL eat the shit out some brisket.

He's just setting himself up for another drug test as he's obviously...tripping balls.

Those cheers you hear are from NFL execs celebrating the fact that they'll get a healthy Gurley who isn't run into the ground by Mark Richt trying to salvage another lost season.

photo caption: many, many others taking benefit from Todd Gurley's likeness.

I would argue that Spotted Cow doesn't need to add any notes if you pair it with the right food - think perch fish fry with a nicely seasoned crust/batter, some creamy coleslaw and a baked potato with more butter than potato.

You are a crazy person. Spotted Cow is awesome.

kinda cool that you covered this. Few outside of WI know about it.

Spotted Cow gets raised up not because it's the best beer in the state, but rather because it is a good beer that is available at every bar. Basically, if you want a decent beer at any bar, and are trying to avoid Miller/Bud, you can always order a Spotted Cow.

And going south of the (US) border, Peruvian food (at least at the restaurants in SoCal) includes sauteed fries in the Saltado dishes. And is also great (especially with that green sauce).

Diana, what is the lawyer supposed to say in situations like this? I agree with you that he's making the victim sound bad, but what can the lawyer say to defend his client that wouldn't sound bad?

Any discussion of consent, which is the central issue of a rape case, is going to sound like "she wanted it." Because, well, thats what you have to prove.

So you're going to go ahead and say he's guilty before he ever gets a chance to defend himself?

That scotch egg - without a breath of sarcasm - looks fucking amazing.

God in heaven, no. That thing is overcooked as it is.

"I hate meat, I don't want to eat meat, the very idea of eating meat sickens me. But I want something that tastes like meat, looks like meat, and if possible, bleeds like meat."

Amazing how quickly the NFL can come up with a clear, concise & specific set of regulations on a compelling issue that it cares about: Making money. Beating the everliving fuck out of women & children? Not so much.