
and battery!

I need this.

Well not necessarily Palestinian food but Arabic food yes. Considering 50%+ of the Israeli population are Mizrahi Jews from Arab countries it makes sense.

french fries are common in both israeli and palestinian shawarma, and yes its great.

Don't her opinions on feminism reflect the bad taste radical feminists like Andrea Dworkin have left in the mouth of the collective counsciousness as to what "feminism" is? In other words, have the radical feminists "poisioned the well" for many women? Any ideas on how to rehab the feminist image in pop culture or

What's the motive behind posting this? Gawker had so many posts during, which were IMO biased against Israel—questioning "liberal zionism", mentioning "ethnic cleansing."

I'm not a fan of getting booster shots, no way in hell that needle is getting near my junk. I'll take the hormonal ramifications of a pill over this no problem.

Exactly, that's why studies like these are important. Not only can many Jews trace their ancestry back to the middle east, but they can also trace their ancestry back to other Jewish groups. "Virtually all the Jewish groups we've studied tend to be quite closely related to one another," Ostrer said. "It would seem for

It really is sad how rape is reported only 30-40% of the time and prosecutions are much, much lower than those figures. I'm really not concerned with a diluge of rape accusations resulting from the above hypothetical, I just think the law should have been written better in terms of how consent should be interpreted to

Thankfully it isn't the mainstream view. The Khazar theory really came to prominence in 1975 with the book "The Thirteenth Tribe," but it's been largely discredited ever since. While the Khazar nobility may have converted to Judaism at some point (and then later Islam), the vast majority of the Khazar population did

"The findings bolster the mainstream view that the ancestors of European Jews were people from the Levant and local Europeans. An earlier, 19th-century theory posited that the core of the Ashkenazi Jewish population is descended from Khazars, from the Russian steppes, but the genetic evidence makes that even less

If the victim is incapable of saying yes or no (because they are too intoxicated) it's already considered to be rape by California statute. The victim is already deemed incapable of giving consent in that situation. This is in the CA rape statute. "(3) Where a person is prevented from resisting by any intoxicating or

So just to be clear, same hypothetical above. A school's investigative panel could very well conclude that incident was rape? The issue I have is not that consent may be revoked, it's that the law does not specify how consent may be revoked nor does it provide any indications that consent was revoked. By establishing

I'm more concerned about the mess that is this: Affirmative consent must be ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time. The revokation and ongoing consent present issues for a judge and jury to deal with. How may revokation be established? verbally? physical cues? The statute does not say and

That looks pretty damn snug for a ballsack, and itchy, very itchy

Israel has stated from the start that air strikes will end when the rockets stop those a realistic terms. Peace will never be accomplished when one side states that their mission is the implimentation of Sharia law across what is Israel and the annhilation of the Jewish people (not Israelis mind you, all Jews). 'The


Clearly you approach issues with a level head. This is about everyone else, this conflict is not merely about the Israelis and the Palestinians and never has been. Was it not the Arabs from the surounding areas who declared war on Israel in 48'? was it not the Arab nations of the middle who massacred and expelled

The opression of the Palestinians never ended for Jordan, Syria, and now Egypt. Is it opression when that group of people continuosly attempts to kill and kidnap Israelis and elect and participate in terrorist organizations that attempt to create an Islamic caliphate in the area and are dedicated to the annihilation

Well it didn't until Egypt realized Hamas supported the Muslim Brotherhood and closed off their crossing with Gaza and destroyed smugglers tunnels in the Sinai. Now Egypt is fighting radicals in the desert and Hamas. But prior to that Hamas was able to get weapons and munitions through their border with Egypt.