
The second coming will not be a secret but it will be unexpected.

Any theaters showing this back to back with Ghostrider?

At least Cardinals fans are somewhat self-contained. ND fans are ubiquitous and at least as haughty. Like the old dude at my office who wears a Rick Mirer jersey on casual Fridays.

Cardinals fans or Notre Dame Fans? WHO YA GOT?

I thought it was bad when my prof told a story about his wife who is a pharmacist and she had a girl complaining about her birth control. The problem was it wasn't staying inside her and kept falling out. It was oral birth control.

If a 16 year old female student was raped by two of her male teachers, Jezebel would not be flipping out about new agencies calling it a 'threesome?'

Well, the very headline on this site refers to it as a 'threesome,' and I don't see many people having a problem with that, even though those SAME people would be flipping shit if the genders in this scenario were reversed. So, aren't feminists promoting this SAME EXACT BULLSHIT?

I'm a horrible person and that would actually make me laugh. Like, I'd consider going on a date with them. Which, apparently the guy doesnt want. /shrug

There is an obvious answer that no one is addressing.

I hate to laugh but that is funny

hypocrisy at its finest

No, that's part of the same bullshit mantra that this entire website rails against. To then passively condone it by intimating that this is somehow less than rape is bull. Hell, they aren't even being charged with rape.

Yeah, I love that Jezebel finds a 16 year old being raped by two teachers to be so funny.

I find it absolutely bonkers that Jezebel has a headline referring to this as a 'threesome.' A 16 year old is not able to consent in a case like this. If the situation was reversed, this site would be losing its collective mind over all the news agencies reporting this as a 'threesome.'

Yeah, somehow I don't think "teachers have threesome with student" would be the phrase used if the genders were reversed.

Umm.... other than the photos and videos?

Oh, c'mon on. Aside from the predictable and the obvious, they aren't so bad. Also, don't spend too much time in an echo-chamber. You'll become out of touch and oversensitive. Like those people on the Fox News shows.

Only one use of the word "rape" in an article about two people raping someone. It's not even in the headline of the article.

In Pennsylvania, that's not rape. Age of consent is 16 no matter the age difference.