
Definitely my favorite logo of this entire bunch. That tiger's face is a mask of emotions: Confusion! Outrage! Excitement! And a hint of sadness?

That Detroit Tigers logo from 1927 is terrible. It looks like someone with no artistic skills (much like myself) drew that logo.

Lawrence Taylor still gets more box than UPS. Mostly because he works for FedEx now.

Rolle's exact words were: "he's getting some cutty now."

How shrewd of the Obamas to adopt daughters who look exactly like them.

ETA: I actually saw one of these in person this past weekend. My mind was blown.

Mothra , man, she don't fuck around .

Q: So how about their chili?

See? All VW had to do to get us really excited again was to stick the engine somewhere behind the driver. How hard was that?

"What if we made a car that's really, really good?" - VW bosses before making this XL1 with a Ducati engine.

Everyone's entitled to their two cents in the food business , except LeSean McCoy's servers.

How about the fact that a female agent was overpowered by the assailant inside the front door of the White House? If you can be overpowered by a run of the mill nut job, you shouldn't be protecting the president. This sort of physical double standard is widespread in our society. It's time to end special treatment

Morning Joe can go fuck themselves.

I've been giving her the benefit of the doubt, but after reading that the secret service let an armed man with a criminal record ride an elevator with the President, and her response was to let the person responsible for the screw up review it, I'm pretty sure she needs to go. Nothing to do with her being a woman

Wiz Khalifia really lives out "Wake up and smell the Roses."

dearest good friend:

"We simply cannot stand for such a blatant display of international crony capitalism."

-Davos, Switzerland

Sochi raised the bar to $51 billion, but wasn't that mostly because $37 billion of that was just loaded up in dump trucks and distributed as political favor?

Don't count out Lviv just yet. You're greatly underestimating Putin's desire to have Russia host the Winter Games twice in an eight-year span.