
Worse than that, it will be any kid that exhibits gay “tendencies,” which probably means anyone slightly gender nonconforming.

I am so sorry for what you must have gone through. Congrats to you for getting out, I truly hope you’re in a healthier place now.

Also, can I mention how much I hate their gratuitous use of hearts in their iconography? Plastering hearts on hate does not make it love. Stahp.

Brief useful bit of additional information, this is WELs. They’re the extreme right of Lutheranism (i.e., I grew up thinking Missouri Synod, the “normal” right, were liberal). They also have issues with women being in any sort of authority over men. This is hearsay, but after I left I learned there was an ongoing

I second this. Could we maybe have a raffle for hugs?

I’m not really butch, but the last time I had to fly through Dallas I was called “sir” more times than I ever have been heretofore. Also, there was a distinct lack of vegetarian options. I had to really look to find something sort of filling.

Things you need to go read right now:

Worst. Housemates. Ever.

I saw that, but until I read the NY Times article I was confused as to how the label change would do that. I had thought these states (I’m in Ohio) had codified the guidelines into state law, and didn’t realize the law stated the label must be followed exactly. We’ve had so many abortion restrictions go through, I

I’ve seen posts about this all day, and what I do not understand is how the relabelling is going to circumvent the laws regarding medication abortion. A followup on this this will actually work in practice would be helpful.

Let’s take a step further into that scary world and imagine Obama, on his last night in office, writing the traditional letter to a future President Trump. He doesn’t seem to be a heavy drinker, but there cannot be enough scotch in the world for that poor man.

I hit a point a few years ago when I realized just being in the room was enough. Fight the important fights, but not at the cost of yourself. Water always wins :)

Yeah, I’m losing hope that this will get better in my lifetime. I honestly don’t think it’s gotten better since I went in this field.

Clearly they would prefer to practice Christoga.

After five years at a former job, I pointed out that I was the one lady on a team of ~50 white engineering dudes, and that we had no POC. This had been glaring to me since I started, but absolutely shocked the people I worked with. Somehow, they had failed to notice this fact. Then they didn’t see why it was a

Hi there. 34 and recent lady black belt. It’s totes not too late, and you may be surprised how many allies you can find out there.

Amazingly so.

That is a valid point that I will probably steal. It will make voter registration drives more difficult, but there’s probably a way to make it happen.

True Story. My very conservative mother was railing one unavoidable holiday about voter expansion, and the ridiculousness of polls being open for more than one day. I somehow managed to explain that where she lives, she goes down to the town hall, says hi to her neighbors, and votes without waiting for a booth. The

Eh, except for Paul Krugman. In general he’s fighting the good fight.