
I have had this exact same experience! Also on an ungodly long international flight! Who is this woman??? Why is there not an international alert for her?

Also make sure the living will is filed in multiple places! Lawyer, executors, and so forth. If I sound paranoid, my parents are of an extremely religious bent...

Dude, don’t. We’re all pissed about this, but sniping at each other isn’t going to help.

If it helps, I once had my car broken into while parked in the University’s police department parking lot, so there’s that :-/

You know, I get why parental leave is a hard sell. No company wants to be on the hook for an employee that’s going to be gone for a significant amount of time, but perhaps that’s where, I dunno, policy comes in? OR if you’re so into not making it be hard on businesses, you could chip in a certain percentage in state

Two concealed carriers kill each other in a road rage incident. Would you like me to cite more?

Unfortunately, the constitution set up an electoral system for the presidency that may entirely be decided by the states. I think even RBG would have a hard time voting your way unless there’s a constitutional amendment.

If your argument is senators and representatives should be voted for federally, I direct you to

Tbh, Prop 3 was pretty terrible- even pro marijuana groups were against it. There’s supposedly a better prop being put together for 2016.

Is there a link to her fundraising site?

As I too will soon be Dr. MY LAST NAME, I am curious if cards will start arriving from those relatives as Mr. and Dr. HALF HIS LAST NAME. (Yes, his is hyphenated, and half of it is removed. So at least we’re both insulted?)