
I loved it, but ending with The Timewarp was a bit on the nose.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: The End Isn’t Really the End Because this Is The Walking Dead Season Finale Edition:

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Rick Murders a Baby and Everyone Congratulates Him For It Edition:

My question is why did she even need to hide in the first place. The way the slaughter episode was edited, it looked like the Saviors just mowed down her people with her standing right in front of them, and then left her to mourn as punishment for her betrayal to Negan. I’m not sure how she got from standing right in

You mean Dwight is the traitor. Completely agree on point #3.

Dear Dad,

  • So Negan picks up an unknown passenger on his way back to Savior home base. Do we want to lay odds on who it is?

Dear Dad,

“Dear Dad,

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: The Only April Fool Today is Us Edition

nonononono, he has to make it up there, transmit down footage and declare it to not be fake to all of his moronic contemporaries, and then explode

“Oh, my god, it’s almost perfectly rou...” BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!

Those are all character related plots. Which are different to the regular case of the week plots, or an extended plot like the murphy one. I would argue that for any show in almost any genre, as long as the character’s plots are done well the audience will forgive all kinds of other fuckery on tv. Characters are the

“Hello Kevin. It’s me, Raymond Holt.”

Has there ever been a Kevin-centric episode before? He is hilarious and should get more screen time; I’d love to see him interact more with all of the characters.

Yeah— the problem with the prison plot is the same as the problem with the Seamus Murphy story: This is functionally a workplace comedy, and you can’t really introduce high stakes convincingly, because the nature of a workplace comedy is that they’re always going to return to roughly the status quo.

I have the same quibbles about the story too, but when a show makes me laugh and laugh often — from poor Rosa’s undercover salon stint from (her) hell, the frequent belly scoots out of the room (“I’m sorry you had to sit through that absurd conversation” *scootscootscoot*), and Holt’s super-formal texts — I can live

The first thing I did after the episode ended was watch The Creep again to see how close the costumes were. The hair, glasses, and moustache were basically the same making this joke even more delightful.

A lot of the Jake-Kevin stuff landed, but my favorite bits were Rosa at the hairdresser (even though she doesn’t like anyone touching her head), especially screaming in horror when she first sees herself as a blonde, and then playing it off as being excited.

Anyone else start singing ‘the creep’ during the library scene?