
Just imagine her trying to explain this in a job interview. I mean, she’s definitely an ideal addition to any cubicle farm.

You dislike Carol?? But really liked Andrea? uhm, what. the. F.

Damn, I totally forgot about that. A lot of stuff as happened since then. Anyone remember Noah?

I’m not hate-watching it. And I’ve long said that someone new was needed to write the reviews for this show--someone else who was also not hate-watching. Now that it’s happening, I couldn’t be more pleased.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Korl’s Scooby Doo Adventures Edition

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Korl Gets Saved Off Camera by Eugene Special Edition

Great, now we’re going to disturb the resting place of The Elder Things..

I can’t wait to see the alt-right cut of this movie where the edit out all of the non-white actors. It’ll just be Andy Serkis shouting for three minutes.

FYI - Superman doesn’t reverse time by making the planet spin backward. He flies faster than the speed of light, and the planet going backward is a visual representation of time reversing.

What the absolute fuck is going on in this thread.

I think they were just trying to be mischievous by pushing the envelope on talking about shooting the president.

“Carl was, if anything, even more than of an untouchable than (poor, doomed) Glenn...” The “than” after “even more” is probably left over from when you were phrasing that sentence differently. 

I didn’t have a drop left in the house the day after Trump was elected.

Condescending without even trying to refute anything, well done!

The dog breed was a Newfoundland which are awesome! I guess it’s a Canadian breed, so it makes sense.

No doubt this was better than last year’s mess of a season finale. Canadian Mountee Ike, everyone puking over PC Principal and Strong Woman being in love, that whole gag with the “Fox” trap, it was all solid stuff. And goddamn, was it satisfying to see Heidi finally come to her senses and dump Cartman’s ass for

I was pissed that the Old Farmer wasn’t there to give warning to the people, especially since he’s based off of a Stephen King character.

The same, except dumber by the usual amount that having Trump as president for a week makes everything dumber.

Apologies for my absence and change of name.

Kudos to Jake for figuring out Holt’s tell. The reveal was a great moment.