
I’d say “Here’s Not Here” is another “Clear”

He had to wait for his stamina bar to refill

I like your commitment to form, son.

I don’t know. I think Gregory could’ve still been useful to the saviors, so taking him back was probably the right call, even if she did it for the wrong reason.

I, personally, have been been too bothered by Morgan’s vacillating mental state because he’s been a man who exists in extremes since “Clear”. He tried SO hard to buy into the “All life is precious” mantra wholesale that it makes total sense that his relapse would be just as extreme. Morgan’s current disillusionment

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: This is the Battle That Has No End. It Just Goes On and On My Friend Edition.

doubters don’t get cookies!!!!

Evan Peters as Jim Jones high-fiving Evan Peters as Jesus is probably the hardest I’ve laughed at anything on TV this year.

Yeah, it was screamingly obvious from the first moment of that pasta dinner scene what was happening - I’m not sure they were really trying to hide it (Bassett framed one shot to emphasize the empty plate in front of Paulson). That said, I thought the two actresses were really, really good in that scene. Paulson was

That’s the deal about a genre fiction soap opera: no urgency. Just drag shit out forever. And yes, the repetition with all the firefights was just a slightly more energetic way of dragging it out forever. (Disclosure: Army vet so fired automatic weapons during Basic (peacetime NATO service). So it always kills me how

how the fuck is she manipulative?

Man, even Butters has his gal in Canada.

Yeah! One little bad thing happens with a gun, and all of the sudden people act like all ammosexuals are to blame! We should be allowed to fuck our guns in peace and not be hunted down because of that singular bad thing that happened that one time.

On the other hand, being non-specific means the episode will be less dated in the future and more applicable to future circumstances.

Now now skeeter, he ain’t hurtin’ nobody....

Okay, no argument here that Heidi is the worst in this episode. But the rest of what you’re saying is kind of ridiculous. It wasn’t like she was imposing any kind of power over him, she was being selfish and not realizing how much she was bugging him. There is no assault or consent happening here. She was being

we don’t take kindly to YOUR TYPES in here

Cartman’s terrible relationship (which is mostly his fault, although this episode showed us some of Heidi’s more annoying traits too) has been a consistently hilarious running gag this year.  Plus, it makes his sub-plot from last season seem like less of a missed opportunity, now that they’re actually exploring the

I never thought I’d be on Cartman’s side about anything, but Heidi really is the worst.

“He flew away, vowing we’d all be dead by Halloween!”