
yeah, why was Michonne still the same age? Not a speck of grey in her dreads.

Maggie gets skinnier as she gets pregnanter.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: The Only Constants in Life Are Walking Dead Reviews and Kinja Deals Brought to You by Kinja Deals Season Premier Special Edition

It was a solid plan, I have no complaints. No way Rick came up with it, it had to be Maggie or Jesus.

“Now you know how we do shit in the nursing home.”

I’m sorry. As a lifelong Texan, I feel it is my duty to remind you that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac.

I totally forgot the serial killer party in Hotel. In fact, I kind of wiped my mind of the whole 10 commandments killer thing completely.

Yea, when you hire slave labor from a crazy dictatorship you kind of crossed the average moral event horizon.

Its Dubai. They aren’t apologizing to anyone.

Your concerns have been noted and disregarded because holy fuck that looks like fun.

“Got a show about transsexual dragons here!”

The joke of Netflix greenlighting everything and having a call center to do it and that line you quote answering the phone was a solid and underrated joke in this episode. I enjoyed that thoroughly. It was emphasized with commercials for two new Netflix series while I was watching this episode. One called MINDHUNTER

“We’re just wondering why you stopped following us on Instagram.”

It’s especially odd to me because shooting scenes like that are supposed to make you feel like that anyway, aren’t they? Hasn’t that been the point of all the violence this season, to creep you out and unsettle you? So why cut it because it will hit the same note a little harder than usual? If it was supposed to be

I think it’s more like a cynically polite gesture than anything else - ultimately adults are responsible for their own media intake and some are comfortable seeing gun violence on screen this close to a tragedy and will tune in, and the ones who aren’t would probably just skip the show altogether this week. This is

This season of American Horror Story has officially joined a grim and ever-growing club of pieces of pop culture that have had to edit out pieces of violence because a too similar piece of violence occurred in the real world too close to the air date.

chekhov’s gimp!

Gross question here... When Dermot Mulroney was coming down the stairs he was licking some sort of red liquid of his fingers while wearing latex gloves. It obviously had something to do with the gimp. What the hell was he licking? Anyone as mystified as I am? Or is this just one gross thing among many gross things?

I think the "witch hunt" comment refers to the rise of outrage culture and people being so offended that they want others silenced. South Park, with its take-no-prisoners approach, is liable to get it from both sides.

False equivalence is just lazy. It avoids the illusion of taking a side. If anyone genuinely believed that e-mails are the same as fascism, you can talk yourself into anything that no amount of critical thinking can fix.