I’ve been behind the new Santa Fe and it has the ugliest rear I’ve seen in some time
I’ve been behind the new Santa Fe and it has the ugliest rear I’ve seen in some time
Can’t even get a peaceful transfer of power in the crane world.
The Nissan Altima. Not because of anything that’s the car’s fault as it’s a perfectly serviceable car...
Oh boy do I have a video for you.
So yeah, sounds a lot like something we’d do in the US.
This is standard industry practice. Every new car review you’ve read happens this way, only we disclose it up front.
In my experience the only journalist I’ve seen on a press trip who paid for airfare and lodging was WSJ. We don’t have WSJ money, so we accept Audi’s invitation and disclose it up front.
I didn’t love…
LOL.....hahahahha. If you think “serious conflicts of interest” are going to matter to those in the Trump Admin, boy do I have some bridges over the Pacific to sell ya. The 1st go-around was CoI, one after another. In this one it will likely be a mandatory thing. As will breaking rules/laws, followed by Trump pardons…
“We continue to be stuck in a reality where it takes longer to do the government paperwork to license a rocket launch than it does to design and build the actual hardware,”
As much as I hate to ever defend Musk
This vehicle is antithetical to VW. There is no such thing as a $70k “people’s car”. VW has always offered style at a premium but within their own models that uniquely styled vehicles have never been significantly more expensive than the platforms they were based on. The new beetle certainly had unique styling and…
I’d probably use many of the same reasons you did…except for the environmental friendliness comment. An EV is so wildly more efficient at converting stored energy to motion that it easily offsets any challenges in production. At this point, you have to be willingly holding onto misinformation to believe otherwise.
I would buy a challenger/charger/300C. Or a manual Wrangler.
If they have internet service to sign up for the promotion that is only available online, why do they need 30 days of free internet from Musk?
This critique seems to be lacking in hypothesis and resolution. There are some elements that suggest that this is not in fact a critique but a bad faith argument in defense of Musk and his grift.
The man is worth over $200 billion. He could give away dozens or hundreds activated units to every community impacted for shared use and it wouldn’t even make a dent on his pocket change.
Or maybe someone chopped it up and turned it into a ute.