
Gotta say, the fake Amazon delivery van idea is pretty genius.

Ah yes, the increase is absolutely going to the writers/actors and not into corporate pockets. The ad revenue too! What a benevolent and generous company!

You forgot an option. Many are both raising prices AND introducing ads. Even the ad-supported plans are going up in price. 

The problem for me is this line:

It’s almost a Giuliani-level reversal of public goodwill, and it’s similarly, entirely self-inflicted.

Movies, whatever, why has no one funded a slightly older Broad City with JLD and Michaela Watkins as the Abbi & Ilana analogues? It would be hard for that to not instantly be the best comedy on TV.

I wonder if anyone can begin to calculate how much energy has been wasted on crypto; the most epic waste of energy in the history of the world. But I’m sure it will be beaten soon by crap “AI”.

Claiming that Biden is trying to divide the country is not only laughable but also facetious. Biden has said many times that he is President for everyone. Trump routinely refers to his rivals as vermin that need to be rooted out. He’s a fucking psychopath. Don’t try and equate the two.

False equivalence. It’s a fucking shame that these are the two only options for President in a country of 330 million people. However, you cannot equate Biden with Trump. Biden was trying to be respectful in 2020 during the debates. Trump has zero class or decorum. He just doesn’t shut up. He doesn’t possess the

Maybe not twins, but cousins - The Ford Flex shared the FWD D4 platform with the Ford Explorer

Saturn Sky over the Pontiac Solstice. When it comes to convertibles the Sky was the nicer looking of the two. On top of that the Saturn doubled as a nice Opel GT

I dunno’. The Catholic Church still seems worse to me.

Tbh, that disclaimer in parenthesis made me lol.

I’d be nervous about parts availability of the GTO, especially body and interior. I don’t think I could bring myself to track it.

He said, without irony.

$22k for a fucking GTO LOL

oh yeah is that why the new tundras and lx600 are known for reliability already?

Really bad take here.

Buddy’s hat told me everything I needed to know about the situation.