
I don’t give a shit about TikTok. I don’t personally use it, don’t have an account, and in principle I actually agree with some of the concerns about data privacy.

It’s an article about a car. Owned by a dude famous for “driving” cars in bad movies. And famous for owning a racing team. And famous for dying in a famous car. I’m not sure why this article feels so out of place for you on an automotive blog. Just because it speaks about how he was also famous for having a preference

I will never be able to figure out why wealthy celebrities get regularly busted for DUI/DWI. This isn’t Joe Normalguy who gets blitzed but still needs to get his car home somehow to get to his day job. It’s a terrible idea, but you can put the dots together on the (drunk)decision-making process that leads to some

I loved this movie and saw it with people who hated it, which is why I saw it again in theaters another couple times by my damn self. I still get chills when Dana Fuchs launches into “Helter Skelter”, she could knock a building down with that voice.

The Y and the 3 have the longest pro/con list of any vehicle I’ve ever done.  So many good things about them, but simultaneously so many bad things.  The catch is that most of the bad things seem fixable by getting rid of just one guy...

“Justed kill me now”... fix it for yous.

YouTube will soon be testing a feature that allows users to add notes under videos to correct inaccurate or misleading information

To sum up: an influencer/amateur boxer asked an insurrectionist/felon/former POTUS about the existence of aliens, which the FelonOTUS answered with a word salad about handsome pilots who are taller than Tom Cruise and saw “some really strange things” while flying their “super fighter jet planes.”

Another class action suit where the plaintiffs get next to nothing (if 3 of you group together, you can buy a single one day park ticket with enough left over for a Mickey ice cream bar), the corporation accepts a slap on the wrist ($9.5M is about an hour’s revenue for Disney), and the lawyers get millions. Yay?

The other steaming pile of shit Adobe pulls is forcing me to purchase newer versions of software I already paid for and own. They simply stopped providing me a download link for my Premiere Elements and Photoshop Elements 2019 versions. I emailed them and was told those versions were “no longer supported” and that I

Just offer them a nominal fee for placing panels/turbines on their land.

Maybe he should stop signaling left and then swerving to the right.

there are tens of thousands of real estate agents in this country whose value would be improved by buying this car

Oh my god I saw people campaigning for RFK last weekend. It was nuts. Every single one of them looked, not just like a crazy person, but like an extremely unhealthy, badly malnourished crazy person.


First Gear: Donald Trump really only cares about two things, money and having people give money to him. As such, you’d think he’d be trying to win over someone like Elmo, who just got $56ish billion richer, and who directly benefits from increased EV sales.

Just offer them a nominal fee for placing panels/turbines on their land.

What cars and coffees are you going to where this amount of dirt would accumulate on the drive there and back?

I’m the writer and you’re the reader

There’s a really easy fix for this. Just get the Supreme Court to decide that the EPA has no power to do anything.