
Hear me out:
You want a car that gets relatively good mileage, is relatively reliable, has enough cargo room for a family of 5 or 10+ bags of soil (sorry, Cybertruck), is quirky for the kids, easy for the olds to get in and out of, and is relatively inexpensive to buy and maintain.

“Our coastlines are the first line of defense against storms, and our Gulf beaches are just eroding away,” Hendrickson told Grist. “I don’t know where we go with it now, or how we come together to work through it.”

Typical republicans.  

Why should tax payers pay for their private property? Typical freeloaders.

If they want tax payers money to be used to fix it then tax payers should have access to the beaches. Otherwise let them pay for it themselves 

Wow, I am so NOT voting for Hunter Biden for President! 

Lol, you think the auto manufacturers LIKE the dealership system? They fucking hate it. Always have. It was imposed by the government as essentially a sinecure for small town business owners who, coincidentally enough, happen to be one of largest sources of political donations and patronage.

Yeah, we haven’t heard about him dumping it in a trash can next to a fucking school because he didn’t fucking do that.

Very much appreciate the tongue-in-cheekiness of the post, Amber.

Yet even at a 99% discount, Truth Social would still be over-valued.

I’m pretty sure that “Glass Onion” was about him. He is that dumb, he’s just also bold enough to try it.

2nd gear: This story might have more of a trickle down impact than any other story here.

I wonder if their position on receiving government assistance changed dramatically in the past week.

Incoming Pedantry: Big Ben is the name of the largest bell in the tower’s bell-house, not the tower itself. The tower was called the Clock Tower. It was renamed to Elizabeth Tower in 2012.

I don’t think FIAT actually wants to be a viable player in the US market.

I doubt even 70 Democratic senators would be enough to dig us out of this nightmare, even if you ignored the fact that Dems are typically uninterested in effecting a lot of change all at once. The last time they had a supermajority was back 2008, and that was with a half a dozen blue dogs who stifled almost every

How many times will this Lindsey Graham tweet be proven correct before the Republican Party finally abandons the Orange Goblin King?

She was his assistant for the sum total of one year back in the aughts (she worked at Miramax for 6 right out of college).

I’m surprised the cops aren’t more pissed about how often those body cams just accidently and certainly-not-purposefully turn themselves off at just the wrong moment....