
First gen Cayenne needs to be on this list. Edit: God, I forgot how ugly it actually was. Someone get me an eye wash.

id say 60% and whoever said Porsche H50 needs to change their prescription. 

Half of these picks are straight-up crazy-talk. 

I just bought a 2017 Forester and am loving it. I live in rural Northern Canada and the Forester has the ground clearance I need, not for floods, but for snow.
Added bonus is that my XT trim 250 Hp turbo is like driving a sports car if you let it.

The beatings will continue until morale improves. 

...And here is my pick, import this bad boy

The White Stripes cultivated the rumor themselves. They wanted to keep the focus on the music not them as a couple so they started the lie that they were brother and sister.

Now playing

Picking a single favorite is tough - for instance, I could nominate the genre of “bad drivers in the snow” - for for a specific video, I’m going to go with Simone Giertz’s “Truckla”, particularly the build video. She figured that she wanted an electric pickup and, at the time, nobody was offering one... so she bought

As much as I love the Stripes’ albums, seeing them live was the real thing. On the recordings, Meg’s style matches what Jack was doing. They were shooting for vibe, not perfection. Jack’s playing is just as messy on guitar as her was on drums — it’s just that people are more forgiving of that kind of blurry style for

That rumor started because when they first hit the scene Jack always referred to Meg as his sister.

Questioning her ability is one thing, since you can’t really prove it one way or another, but to say that the band would have been more successful without her requires ignoring the fact that all of his projects since then have been a lot less successful than The White Stripes. (Obviously this could also be because of

meg white is a terrible drummer’ is the kind of hilariously backwards opinion you usually overhear a teenager saying in line at starbucks

Maybe, and I’m just spitballing here, the people who choose to live in the car-free neighborhood are the people who choose to not own a car at all.

As somebody who used to do habit for humanity projects near Jackson every year, I can tell ya not a lot of people live there by choice.

Tina Fey once declared her the worst host she ever had to work with on SNL, saying she was “the biggest piece of shit. She’s so dumb and so proud of how dumb she is.”

“I carefully and methodically cultivated a persona as a vapid child of privilege, and I am outraged that people view me as a vapid child of privilege!”

Did AVClub just publish an interesting retrospective essay that isn’t clickbait about some topic-of-the-day?? Does The Herb know you snuck this through?

It’s weird, like they were trying to spray it to mark their territory.

Anyone else getting a WALL-E vibe from all these satellites going into orbit.

Sure but I have seen dozens of politicians do the same. I guess if there is country music playing in the background it’s acceptable.