Four bands for a set of wheels, another six for the tires.
Four bands for a set of wheels, another six for the tires.
It will definitely be personal, discriminatory things. We know that it is not a specific color or make/model because then insurance companies would charge more money for those things, they track everything! We also have data that shows non-white people getting pulled over at exorbitant rates compared to white people.…
With how often teenagers end up in adult prisons, I’m honestly surprised there are any states that won’t just put this kid in one. Now I’ll have to find out how the teen repeat offender percentages are for Maryland versus other states and if what they do is actually better.
I think it can both be true that this guy is an idiot who deserves everything he’s getting and that a bridge with a 6k pound rating is flat out dangerous for modern American vehicles. If some village wants to keep it as a historical marker or light vehicle crossing, there needs to be a lot of warning signage before…
It would be good to know how wide of an issue this is before legislature gets involved. Would hate to amend an entire state’s judicial system because some kid keeps being an asshole, thus allowing cops to cuff & jail any 11-year-old because they were being annoying.
I’m just a professional engineer licensed for structural work, which only counts in certain states versus an actual licensed structural engineer. That said, I feel confident confirming that glass will, in fact, break.
While correct about the GVWR, that still means a load of landscaping bricks or something like that in a Tundra truck bed will exceed the limit. There are plenty of non-commercial people who make trips with 1500 pounds worth of people & supplies in their truck/van, so I’d still consider that a dangerously low weight…
Between this and the other post for the new BEV Volvo, I never thought I’d prefer the interior of a Nissan more than a Volvo. I’m sure the Volvo is way more comfortable of an actual drive, but this dash layout looks much better.
I would be hesitant about the new twin turbo V6 over their old NA V8. Much like with Toyota’s recent switch, those old V8s have terrific reliability reviews and now this is (I think) an all-new engine with a big jump in power.
Another fucking iPad dashboard.
America is a wild west of airport security. It depends on the airport, their scanners, and which lines they even have open to determine what needs taken off and what needs removed from your bag. It also depends on if you have TSA pre-check or not. With pre-check, you can keep the shoes/belt on & laptops/tablets in…
The Volt. Not because I loved the cars, but Toyota can’t make their Prime trims fast enough to meet demand. Why is there not a Volt drivetrain in the Blazer? Do that to everything in the lineup.
I’m okay with arguing it would be a huge burden on landscaping companies to make them replace all of their equipment. Especially with how easy it is to repair the small engines on that stuff. My dad has a lawn mower that almost 50 years old now because part swapping is so cheap and easy. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the…
Bonus points if you keep the chainsaw blade attached.
It feels like 75% of the people in my neighborhood use a landscaper with how many I see every day. I don’t think I’ve seen a single one with an electric anything. This is much more for the suburbanite that does their own lawn work with EGO stuff and can now tack on a $1300 dirt bike for the kids when they go to their…
After all the Fords got recalled and the Hyundai/Kias got stollen, options got slim on the back 5.
but is a Lexus with 188k miles really more reliable than a Jag with 100k miles?
Spelling verses wrong twice made me cringe a little when re-reading that OP. Especially since I went to Catholic schools.
I had a coworker with a super wealthy neighbor that would buy their neighbor’s houses if they wanted to move so they could then choose who lives on their little dead-end road. They were all older people who liked to have little parties on their porches, so the guy wanted to be sure any new buyers would be good with…
Considering average divorce rates and how frequently parents will split once the kids age out, I think that is actually a fairly common thing now. The people who I know that have a parent with new spouse basically after they turned 18 refer to the new spouse by their first name. None use mom/dad, AFAIK. It is a mixed…