
Unless all the kids are related, I feel like once you get beyond 5 adoptions the house has just become an orphanage. At 77, it’s a now small boarding school.

The deep-rooted history of Christian influence dominating our laws since the inception of the USA.

For today’s soap box about elections having consequences, POTUS nominates the chair & vice chair of the NTSB. While you may not like any candidate, it is important to remember who they are going to be putting in positions like this. Seeing as Trump appointed a Verizon lawyer to run the FCC, someone who spent her life

One of MJ’s & Olajuwan’s greatest accomplishments was making sure that those 2 never saw a ring, thus leaving them in the memory of people who watched 90s NBA, because they were incredible on court talents. I loved watching Stockton play and tried to mimic him all the time. The 2004 Pistons, probably the weirdest

Athletes buying dealerships is pretty common, especially from basically MJ onward. Magic/Bird eventually got more into business, but athletes were still heavily demanding cash until MJ showed just how valuable a brand can be. Most athletes learned that you don’t always want your name tied directly to that business

I feel like I’ve read multiple times about pop stars who run X hours while singing their sets. By now, I kind of assume that is just how many of them preps for a tour, which kind of makes sense if you need to sing & dance for several hours multiple nights in a row. 

Jetta continues to prove its worth in the VW lineup, outselling the Taos and Atlas Cross Sport. Perhaps this is a sign that the world is realizing how great sedans are again.

I’ve always assumed there was some level of inaccuracy, seeing as a car isn’t just sitting stationary on the wall. Also, weather/temperature in general, is a very dynamic thing across even a small region. Simply going from shade to sun or being an area that blocks the wind versus a wind tunnel can have huge impacts.

It is appreciated that they did this to a place just storing the inventory instead of going up to people’s homes and doing it. Best to get that vandalism as close to the source as possible. 

I’ve pretty much only ever done cheap auto meet ups, so no experience with the big multi-day conventions and my households aversion to crowds, it will probably stay that way. That said, my favorite car event is the “relaxed local parking lot” where it is just a handful of owners who love their cars and want to share

My 10-year-old has become obsessed with writing in cursive. It’s like she learned a new language, because it is so rarely used and no one around her cares about. 

Yes and no. There is software involved, but it has gone through an incredible amount of testing & verification. Airline operators are still collecting floppy disks because that is how old the software/hardware is. Much like other car brands, airlines intentionally use old/specialized software/hardware because we all

I think the only right answer is ESH

That was a big reminder when I went to grocery store yesterday. There is no reason for a Suburban’s hood to be towering over my eyeline when I’m in an Atlas. I know they are giant, but it was a staunch reminder when I parked across from one and saw the hood was taller than me in an also big SUV. Anything with a hood

It is much easier to simplify but knowing that I’m not voting for Biden, I’m voting the staff he’ll bring and cabinet he’ll appoint. Biden winning means having an executive office that will appoint competent people for the various positions that can have real impact on our everyday lives instead of a handful of

You can really sub in any hyper-wealthy & insular organization as the worst, depending on the current news. I’d put the Federalist Society quite high on that list, as they are very detailed & organized in how they want to fuck up the entire country for generations to come. Most other groups just cover up for shitty

As long as he’s not sitting outside her window, I suppose there are worse things to study. 

Based on that dude’s history around here, I don’t think they are capable of actually caring about anything.

I could get on board with some more soulless Sam, but with superpowers now. 

People currently have entire careers that consist of following her and reporting on her 24/7. They are basically legal stalkers that tell everyone where she is and what she is doing at all times. You truly do not understand her level of celebrity and how insane fan bases like her are if you think she could routinely