
Maybe AI will actually have a place in media by creating creatures in horror movies. Many of these AI gifs make me think of movies where the demon is having trouble pretending to be human and gets some kind of supernatural blip. I also recently re-watched the first MIB, so that clip has thinking that maybe it could

Seeing that I have a pretty stressful week ahead at work, I’m going to ignore that until another time when I want to be disappointed by some horrible political plan. 

In 1655, abortion was legal until quickening and for several hundred years after that, more or less. Which means the woman was actually the one who decided when their fetus became a human back then. However, when abortions started to get more popular amongst the WASPs in the late 1800s, a doctor’s fear of the racist gr

Don’t forget trains, it also can’t see trains. 

I wonder if we’ll eventually see a headline that says a FSD Tesla plowed into an ambulance that was responding a FSD Tesla that hit a truck.

It is really hard to judge how much bad decisions will cost and really easy to look at bids and determine exactly what the cheapest option is. My clients are always swaying between 3rd party inspection, in house inspection, and just letting contractors self-report. Self-reporting is always the cheapest up until

Technically, maybe, but also not entirely. The Civil Rights Act was in 1964 and Voting Rights Act in 1965. Before that, “states rights” could really fuck with things and ‘separate but equal’ & sundown towns were still legal. While 1855 gets us back to the ownership of women & minorities, the GOP has really been focused

GOOD. Anyone who likes the Scion xB, Honda Element, or any of those other little boxy things should be a fan of the little boxy Renegade. I could fit 3 car seats in a mine, full stroller & kid supplies in the back, and park it in any downtown spot. Having Jeep’s reliability is a bit of a killer, but if they keep it as

I’m going to go with the current gen Dodge Charger being just as big in 30 years as the 1960/70s muscles cars have been for the last 20 (sorry 1969ChargerFan if I got here first). Mustangs & Camaros may have a following, but Camaro is already almost forgotten so I expect it will stay that way and Ford already started

I’m really curious what the people who dislike the ending thought would happen. Anything else happening would have been a complete departure from all the events that led up to climax. Based on the complaints, I kept waiting for a twist that ruins the movie and it never came. Are they all set on characters never changin

He had a deep discussion with his ex-wife about how people can change by pretending to act the way they want to act, eventually becoming engulfed by that personality. He had a big classroom discussion about the social circumstances of when it is okay to execute someone for the social good. There was no plot twist

I keep seeing this take and I really don’t get it. The ending was totally predictable with multiple scenes along the way that set a clear foundation.

Then ya, there is 100% no reason for a cop car to be there outside an active emergency response. 

As someone who makes at least one 300+ mile work trip every month, sometimes up to 5 between different cities, my advice is to get a rental for those trips. The exception would be if the company will be paying you a stipend for the car. If those trips are making up the vast majority of their driving, that means they

Not sure if this is a drive on beach, but there are plenty of those where people need to watch out for cars. There are tons of families with little kids, though, so about 99% of drivers do a good job crawling along slowly. Most of the cops are in a side by side of some sort instead of a car too, which is way better

Any engine bay where I cannot reach the battery, filters, and spark plugs without having to remove something else. All of those, especially the battery, should be right in your face when the hood goes up. 

I couldn’t get my 7 & 10 year old to finish Inside Out, so I’m also in no hurry to see it. They like plenty of other Pixar movies, but really didn’t care for this one. Wonder Park was much more well received by them.

Nope. He said some asshole things, got fired for it, adjusted his comedy a bit, and now he’s really successful. He admits why he got fired and pretty much makes fun of everyone, including right wingers. I haven’t seen his full specials, just various clips, but he kind of reminds of Dane Cook or Daniel Tosh. Not the

Some of the alleged crimes frankly sound pretty silly in a for-profit healthcare system where the goal of private companies is to generate as much revenue as possible.

A nice rule of thumb to remember is that when an app or website are free, YOU are the product being sold to make revenue